Tuesday, January 10, 2023


by the late Sumner Wemp

I have long been troubled by tracts that don't include the resurrection. They tell people Jesus died to pay for their sins and to trust Christ but they fail to mention that He is the risen Christ! Read I Corinthians 15. Without the resurrection there is no salvation. Well, someone says, everybody knows he rose from the dead. No, they don't. We Christians are familiar with it but oftentimes the lost are not. Sumner Wemp said essentially the same thing recently.

DAILY, I get an Email, a "GOSPEL" tract, or hear a sermon and there is no gospel in it, that "CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS, AND ROSE AGAIN." Oh they are careful to say, "All have sinned." they are sure to say, "The wages of sins is death." but they leave out the good news, "Christ died for our sins" He has paid the debt in full and this good news, "the gospel is the power of God unto salvation unto them that BELIEVE" Rom 1:16. That means it lacks power to get people saved.

THEN the email, or tract or sermon will say, "give your heart to Jesus" or "give your life to Jesus." No, we are not told in the Bible for the lost person to give God anything. He is told in the Bible to "believe the gospel and receive the Lord Jesus as his Savior" John 1:12. Have you ever heard a 10, 12, or 14 year old boy or girl say "no, I don't want to give my heart to Jesus?" You never will either and if they have not been told clearly that God forgives us and saves us because the Lord Jesus suffered and died for our sins, paid our debt in full and rose again, they will probably go out just as lost as they came in. I have talked with hundreds upon hundreds. who doubted their salvation and when asked if they were told how Christ died for your sins and that is the only reason God saves us. Most have replied, "No I did not realize that when I was suppose to have gotten saved."

Folks, this is not Sumner's little quirk nor ax to grind, it is the difference in going to heaven or hell. Satan is behind this, "for the god of this world (Satan) has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel should shine unto them" 2 Cor 4:4. Scary isn't it? Has it ever dawned on you how many "church members" are not really saved. "Joining a church will no more make you a Christian than joining the Elks will make you an elk." Church rolls are full of drop outs that you could never find and if you witness to them they do not have a clue how to be saved. I know for I have witnessed to thousands of them.

To have a happy New Year, obey God, give the gospel to all you can and see them born of God right before your eyes. Read Lk 15:5-7 and see the joy it brings you, friends and heaven.

You are loved by God and me, All Because of Calvary, C. Sumner Wemp,
Happy New Year. May it be your greatest year ever. Make it so.

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