Friday, January 20, 2023


 Let every Christian, then, face this matter squarely. If you take Christ, you take the Bible. And any man who denies the inspiration of the Bible will soon be denying the virgin birth or the atoning death of Christ or the infallible knowledge of Jesus Christ or some other essential fact about Christ. The man who is an enemy of the Bible is the enemy of Jesus Christ and Christians should beware and mark as false teachers all those who deny the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, the sinlessness of Jesus or His substitutionary death on the cross. - John R. Rice [A Coffer of Jewels About the Bible, pg. 40-41]

One who makes the Bible or any part of the Bible a lie, makes a liar of Jesus Christ who calls it His Word and who has guaranteed that it would never pass away. Jesus quoted and believed the Bible and put His approval and guarantee upon its authenticity and authority. - John R. Rice [A Coffer of Jewels About the Bible, pg. 41]

Oh, this wonderful Word of God! What a treasure we have that we have this revelation from God. We can know the mind of God, know the way of salvation and peace. We can know what God wants us to do. We can have the blessings He offers us in this precious Word of God. - John R. Rice [A Coffer of Jewels About the Bible, pg. 41]

That there are unsaved people in the churches I have not a doubt. The Bible expressly teaches that there would be. The parable of the tares and of the net in Matthew 13, the parable of the wedding in Matthew 22, and the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25 clearly are intended to show that many claim to be saved, or expect to reach Heaven, who have false hopes and are lost. But we are expressly taught that we are not to judge which are tares and which are wheat, lest we root up the wheat also, thinking it tares (Matt. 13:29, 30). YOU DO NOT KNOW WHO IS SAVED AND WHO IS LOST. TO DARE SAY YOU DO IS A SIN, violating the plain command of Christ. - John R. Rice [page 104, Dr. Rice, Here Are More Questions...]

Some people are hypocrites about prayer. They stand on street corners and in synagogues and want people to hear them pray and hear them say, "My, he is lovely in prayer."
A pastor once said to me, "If you want somebody to lead in prayer, call on Sister So-and-so. She is very able in prayer." I never called on her. God deliver me from these people who are "able in prayer." I suppose he meant she was very eloquent, using beautiful language.
Watch your temptation. People are listening and you will talk to the people instead of God if you don't watch it. When you pray, don't be a hypocrite; praying to be heard of men. - John R. Rice [Great Lessons from the Sermon on the Mount, pg. 9]

When Jesus was born, the wise men came seeking "him that is born King of the Jews." When Jesus died, over His head was written, "This is Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews." The Angel Gabriel told Mary that "He shall reign over the house of Jacob forever" (Luke 1:33). So Christ can have no kingdom that leaves out the Jews. Born of a Jewish mother, raised in a Jewish home, worshipping in a Jewish synagogue, preaching in the land of the Jews, calling twelve Jewish apostles, dying on a Jewish Passover day, fulfilling the Jewish prophecies, ending the Jewish ceremonial law, Jesus was and is a Jew. His kingdom will be, in some sense, a Jewish kingdom since it is a restoration of the throne of David over Israel, centered at Jerusalem. - John R. Rice [Immanuel--God With Us, pg. 118-119]

On the cross, just before Jesus died, He cried with a loud voice, "It is finished!" (John 19:30). You cannot buy salvation with money. You cannot buy salvation with good deeds. You cannot buy salvation by crying and praying. You cannot buy salvation by joining the church and being baptized. YOU CANNOT BUY SALVATION ANY WAY IN THE WORLD! You can accept salvation free, or you can reject it. There is nothing else you can do. - John R. Rice [Immanuel--God With Us, pg. 130]

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