Friday, January 27, 2023


 Did you notice in the Saviour's parable of the great supper that the master first "sent his servant at suppertime to say to them that were bidden. Come . . ."? Those previously invited are reminded first. It is true that God gave Scriptures to the Jews before the Gentiles. It is true that to the Jews was given the law of Moses, the sacrifice picturing the Saviour's death, the tabernacle which prefigured His glorious sacrifice and ministry. But even in the Old Testament times, the gospel was for Gentiles as well as Jews. Naaman the Syrian, Ruth the Moabitess, Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonian king, the inhabitants of Nineveh, and multitude of other Gentiles found Christ in Old Testament times. The gospel was for all. But now that Jews have heard the gospel and rejected it, the command is to take the gospel to all the world, to press it upon every creature, to say "Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." - John R. Rice [Immanuel--God With Us, pg. 131]

There is an unpardonable sin, but if you will remember one simple thing about it, it will save you any misunderstanding and heartache on this question. There is no unpardonable sin for one who will turn to Jesus and trust Him. There is no unpardonable sin for one who is willing to accept the blessed invitation. The only unpardonable sin there is can only be committed in rejecting Christ, in turning down the gospel invitation. "Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely"! - John R. Rice [Immanuel--God With Us, page 135]

If you go to Hell, you pay your own way; but you go to Heaven on a free pass. -John R. Rice

In Texas, I one time said to a young man, "Don't you want to be a Christian?"
"I could be a Christian if I wanted to, couldn't I?" he asked.
"Why of course you could," I said.
"Then it seems obvious that I do not want to be a Christian," he said, and turned away.
He was right! One who wants to be a Christian can be. One who wants to have everlasting life can have it. The only ones who do not turn to Jesus Christ and find peace and forgiveness; the only ones who do not accept the gospel invitation and plan to attend the heavenly banquet in the kingdom of God are those who love theirs sins and are not willing to face Jesus Christ honestly on that matter. - John R. Rice [Immanuel--God With Us, page 148-149]

Oh, sinner, why will you die with excuses upon your lips and lies in your heart! You turn down Jesus Christ and pretend to be for morality. You reject the Saviour who died for you and pretend to have a tender heart. You pick flaws in others and point out hypocrites and argue about doctrine when in your poor, wicked heart you are not willing to come to Christ and do not want Him to change your heart and make you a Christian. Excuses, excuses--lying, insulting, silly excuses! That is what men offer instead of accepting Christ as Saviour! - - John R. Rice [Immanuel--God With Us, page 149]

"There are so many hypocrites in the church," someone says. Indeed there are! Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, was a hypocrite who never did trust in Jesus Christ as Saviour, never was converted, and who betrayed Him. If one out of the twelve, then, was a deceiver and hypocrite, there may be one of twelve in the church today who is a hypocrite. I do not know. Hypocrites? They are all around us. There are hypocrites in the lodge, but you do not leave the lodge. There are hypocrites in the grocery business, but you do not leave the grocery business. Hypocrites work on railroads, and yet, some of you hold your railroad jobs. The Bible makes it clear that there will always be unconverted people in the churches and that Jesus Himself will have to show who is saved and who is not. He alone knows the heart and knows who has honestly repented and trusted Him for salvation. But what has that to do with you, poor sinner rejecting Christ? The question is not the church but Jesus. - John R. Rice [Immanuel--God With Us, page 149-150]

The question is not the hypocrites but Jesus Christ. Do you have any fault to find with Him? Was He ever insincere? Did He ever fail to keep His promise? Was there any lack in His holiness and purity? How have you a right to reject the Son of God, to crucify Him afresh, to harden your heart against His entreaty, to stubbornly go on in your sins against Jesus on the foolish alibi that there are hypocrites in the church? It is silly; it is senseless; it is wicked! That is an insolent excuse for those who do not love Jesus Christ and do not want to serve Him. - John R. Rice [Immanuel--God With Us, page 150]

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