Friday, July 12, 2019

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

I have been greatly impressed lately, as I studied in Luke, at the Lord's compassion for people, for their physical ills and troubles. Jesus did heal many sick people. And since he has the same compassion and burden for people today as He had then, then He is concerned now about physical bodies, and we ought to pray for healing.
God usually uses means. He uses the Bible, etc. So God uses means to heal people also. God can uses doctors and medicine, diet and exercise. But He can heal when the doctors don't think the sick can get well. - John R. Rice

I would like for us to take the Bible at face value. Jesus does not always heal people but He so often did in the Bible, and He surely often does it now, and we ought to take our burden to the Lord and ask God to heal.
I do not believe in healing services where some man claims to have special power. I am not against our praying in public services for the sick, but people ought not to make a public show. "Is any afflicted? Let him pray." - John R. Rice

The Lord doesn't go around displaying great miracles for the unbelieving, the scoffing. If you want to know what wonderful things God can do, that is for folks who mean business, who wait on the Lord. - John R. Rice

Jesus is never too late. You get impatient. "O Lord, if You don't help me quickly, it will be too late." Remember Saul felt that way, so he rushed on ahead and offered a sacrifice when he had no right to do so. He wouldn't wait for Samuel; he wouldn't wait on God.
No, God's time is never too late. - John R. Rice

"Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits. . . ." The Lord likes to be put first. You want to put Him first before you pay your grocery bill. Put money aside for the Lord before you pay your rent. Put money aside for the Lord before you pay other bills. "Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine."
Isn't God saying that He rewards and takes care of those who put Him first in the money business? Oh, what a wonderful truth I have found it to be! - John R. Rice

"Fret not thyself. . . ." It is a sin for a Christian to worry. - John R. Rice 

My, how much trouble there is in the world because we worry! Most of your doctor bills are because you worry. The Bible says, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." That is literally true. - John R. Rice

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