Thursday, August 13, 2009


You better get convictions about what God's will is for your life. I tell you something, you go out into the ministry- you're going to have some Alexander the coppersmiths. You are going to have some of those people who cause you much harm in the ministry. They'll be some that set out to destroy your ministry. They'll be some that set out to cause you grief. Listen, I have pastored now for about 15 years and I could name you people after people that honestly, I believe, Satan sent into my path. You better make sure you know what you are called to do. If I could have quit I would've. If I could have walked away I would've. If I could have done something else I would have but listen, I know, more than I know that my name is Phil Martin, that God called me to do what I'm doing. -Pastor Phil Martin, TTU Chapel, 4/13/1994


You can't outlive Him [Jesus] and you sure can't live without Him.

The Pharisees couldn't stand Him but they found they couldn't stop Him.

Herod couldn't kill Him, Death couldn't handle Him,and the grave couldn't hold Him!

He cannot change for the better because He's already perfect, He cannot change for the worse because that's just not His will.

Dr. Clayton Schumpert, TTU Chapel, 4/20/1994

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