Saturday, November 01, 2008

QUESTION OF THE WEEK! - Is Creationism the Biggest Threat?‏

A: Yes, he actually said it: creationism “may pose the greatest threat to the future of our children, your health, and the nation’s economy.”

This remarkable quote comes from Arthur Caplan, chairman of the medical ethics department at the University of Pennsylvania and frequent TV commentator, writing in the major newspaper The Philadelphia Inquirer. What prompted this venomous attack? Vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin apparently believes in creation and is on record as having said that students should be allowed to “debate both sides” of the evolution question. She also adds (and I want you to remember this as you read the rest of this letter) that creationism “doesn’t have to be part of the curriculum.”

In Caplan’s eyes, this simple desire to allow children to discuss both sides of the issue means “a vote for Sarah Palin, or any creationist, is a vote for change, all right, a change back to the lifestyles of the 19th century.” Attacks like these demonstrate better than anything I could ever say why the ministry of Answers in Genesis is so crucial. We must be out on the front lines to combat the mixture of hysterics, misrepresentation, and scare tactics presented by secularists everywhere.

Read on as Ken Ham examines evolutionists’ scare tactics and the battle to ban Christianity in Creationism: The Biggest Threat?

News to Note Quick Look

Evidence for God’s Word?: Once again, a bit of biblical history has been matched up with an archaeological finding. Read more.

Human evolution up in flames: The discovery of how to make fire—was it a turning point in human history? Read more.

Also: a very logical conclusion, Captain; more evidence for a wet Mars; and replacing religion. Read more.

This information was provided by Answers In Genesis, an excellent source of material relating to Creation and evolution. Please visit their website using the link in the upper left.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In regards to Matt Damon's question about Sarah Palin believing dinosaurs were here 4,000 years ago, he remarked it was scary because she would have the nuclear codes.

No, Matt, what's scary is that Obama and Biden now HAVE the nuclear codes but will NEVER use them in time to protect this country or any of our allies!
