The home is the best place in the world to teach the Bible. THAT IS WHERE GOD PUTS THE RESPONSIBILITY. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 says, "And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up." Note the divine language says, "Thy children." The teaching is to be done "when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up." That is a clear picture of parents teaching the Word of God to their children in the home. And it is a picture of such diligent, earnest, line-upon-line, precept-upon-precept teaching, woven through all the fabric of home life, as could not be adequately done anywhere else but in the home. - John R. Rice [The Home, pg. 264-254]
All Satan's apples have worms. - John R. Rice "The Woman Thou Gavest Me", pg. 11]
When I was in the army in 1918, I remember how sweet to my soul were the promises of the ninety-first Psalm. I put myself to dwell "under the shadow of the Almighty." I said of the Lord, "He is my Refuge and my Fortress." He covered me with His feathers, and under His wings I trusted and was not afraid. God gave me peace. Then in a strange way, giving me a case of the mumps and sending me to a base hospital, He made me miss the boat to France and I never got overseas. That was not the way I would have chosen. I wanted to go, but God cared for His own. Any Christian who is in the will of God can have sweet peace anywhere and perfect protection. A Christian soldier in the front-line trenches is as safe as he would be at home, if he is in the will of God and trusting. He might die at home, he might die in the battle, but he will not die in either place except it be in God's will, and he can rest assured in that and have sweet peace. - John R. Rice
"But, Brother Rice, I saw in a poll in a magazine that about half the women said they were sorry now, and if they had to do it over, they wouldn't have any children." To turn out the kind of brats like they would raise, I wouldn't want them either. But you don't have to raise that kind. You can discipline them. There has never been a time at our house when we were so glad for school to start to get our girls from under foot. We never did wish for summer so our kids could go off to camp somewhere and get away. No sir. I wished then, as I do now, that I could keep all six around me all the time. The truth is, they make me happy. They love the Lord. They win souls. They sing Gospel songs. They all married Christian men who are in full-time Christian service. - John R. Rice
In some wonderful sense the relationship of a husband and wife is a symbol and picture of our relationship to Christ. "Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ , so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing." A wife saves herself for her husband and a Christian should say, "The Devil cannot have my body. I am not a servant of sin. I am not going to defile this, the sweet temple of God. He lives here." We ought to remember that our bodies are the temples of God, and should keep them holy for Him. - John R. Rice [Our Loving Friend THE HOLY SPIRIT, pg. 7]
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