Friday, July 10, 2020

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

[as shared daily on the Facebook page found at

If America is to have the blessing of God in the future as it has had by mercy in the past, then Christians should return to the historic Christian faith. It is still true that "the Bible is the bulwark of our liberties" as General Grant, President Lincoln, Daniel Webster, President Woodrow Wilson, President Theodore Roosevelt and many another great Americans believed. American greatness is based on the Bible as the very Word of God. The way to God's continued blessing is for those who take the name of Christ to go back to the Bible and to the Christ of the Bible. - John R. Rice [Great Preaching on Patriotism, pg. 77]

Someone says, "I can live as well outside the church as in the church." No, you cannot! How could anyone live as well running with the Devil's crowd as he could running with the Lord's crowd? - John R. Rice [How to Make a Grand Success of the Christian Life, pg. 43]

I have found that many love the Lord who do not join churches. But they are irresponsible Christians. They do not have anybody in authority over them whose word they eminently respect and follow. They do not hold themselves to some strict schedule of serving God, or of worship, or of giving. They feel no responsibility for getting the Gospel out to others about them. It is important that every Christian should get in with other Christians, have fellowship with other Christians, feel a responsibility to a local church and be ministered to by a local church. - John R. Rice [How to Make a Grand Success of the Christian Life, pg. 44]

I urge every convert, for your own happiness and for the good of the cause of Christ, to find a church that believes the Bible; a church where the Gospel is preached and souls are saved; and help to make that church stronger by your membership and by your prayers and your example and testimony and gifts. - John R. Rice [How to Make a Grand Success of the Christian Life, pg. 44]

I once helped a young man find peace and joy after he had backslidden and lost his joy and assurance. Then I said to him, "You must set out now to read the Word of God and use it."
He answered hastily, "But I do! I read a verse of the Bible every day!" A VERSE of the Bible! Do you think that young fellow really strained himself in reading the Bible, a whole verse of it nearly every day? That kind of reading of the Bible will not do. That is childishly inadequate. It is foolish to suppose that anyone who treats the Bible like that, reading only a verse a day, can have its full strength and blessing. - John R. Rice [How to Make a Grand Success of the Christian Life, pg. 49]

I once helped a young man find peace and joy after he had backslidden and lost his joy and assurance. Then I said to him, "You must set out now to read the Word of God and use it."
He answered hastily, "But I do! I read a verse of the Bible every day!" A VERSE of the Bible! Do you think that young fellow really strained himself in reading the Bible, a whole verse of it nearly every day? That kind of reading of the Bible will not do. That is childishly inadequate. It is foolish to suppose that anyone who treats the Bible like that, reading only a verse a day, can have its full strength and blessing. - John R. Rice [How to Make a Grand Success of the Christian Life, pg. 49]

Set out to read the Bible. I mean read all of it. I mean read it like you read other books, to enjoy it, to learn it, to absorb it, to be educated by it. I do not mean just a careless and piecemeal reading, but a thorough reading of the Bible. I suggest that every Christian set out to read the Bible through at least within a year. - John R. Rice [How to Make a Grand Success of the Christian Life, pg. 49]

I suggest that every Christian set out to read the Bible through at least within a year. And that is a very simple and easy thing to do if you mean business. It will only require that you read one chapter a day in the New Testament or Psalms, and three chapters every day from the Old Testament, and you will read the entire Bible through in a little less than eleven months. It will require only a few minutes a day, it will help to develop a lifetime habit of orderliness and self-discipline. But best of all, it will acknowledge that God's Word is for you to know and it will certainly make it so God can help you to learn the Bible. - John R. Rice [How to Make a Grand Success of the Christian Life, pg. 49]

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