Friday, January 04, 2019

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

Christ is the head "of the church, which is his body," that is the church for which Jesus died, shed His blood for. That did not mean a human denomination. It means every saved person to be called out at the rapture. - John R. Rice

In a city in New York State, I spoke on a Sunday afternoon to a village church. We had a number saved. I pleaded and pleaded, but one man stubbornly refused to turn to Christ. He had plenty of time.
The next morning he started from his home to the city, the road was glazed with ice, going down the hill he saw a train approaching but despite every effort his car slid right out into the path of the train and his body was found in pieces for fifty yards up and down the railroad track. He thought he had plenty of time. 
Oh, the fact that men are such sinners, the fact that Hell awaits, and the fact that life is so short means that there is an urgency, a desperate urgency, that men need to be saved. - John R. Rice

The entire Bible can be read through in about ten months at four chapters a day and five chapters on Sunday. Yet we are more interested in our letters, more interested in the daily papers, more interested in the comics, more interested in idle chatter and gossip than we are in the Word of God. Surely God is grieved and angry with us for this criminal and inexcusable indifference toward the holy Word of God! - John R. Rice

Another thing that burns in our heart as we consider how awfully serious, how important, how urgent it is that men get saved, is that death presses upon us on every side.
I have twice lingered at the gates of death. Once with a fractured skull, in 1956, and again in March, 1978, when I went to the hospital with a heart attack. What a fool I would be if I should presume and make great plans for the future without considering that I have only this present breath, maybe part of this day, and it may be at any time no more! 
- John R. Rice

In the New Testament we are not surprised to find the harlot woman weeping at the feet of Jesus. And He said to her, "Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace" (Luke 7:50). And Jesus knew about her notorious sins, so in His parable to Simon he told, a certain creditor had two debtors: one owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty, "And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both." You mean that the sinner ten times as bad is as quickly forgiven as the nicer one? Oh, yes. - John R. Rice

The Scripture says plainly that we Christians are those "who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation" (I Pet. 1:5). I do not deserve salvation. I didn't deserve it when I got it; I never deserved it before, but, thank God, I am saved and kept. - John R. Rice

But your heart seems to say, "Oh, but I might not deserve salvation every day!" Forget it! You didn't deserve salvation when you got it. You have never deserved it a day nor an hour since! Salvation does not come to those who deserve it; it comes to those who let Jesus do it. So the Scripture says, "Christ died for the ungodly." That is the only kind of people there are and God saves ungodly people when they put their trust in Christ. - John R. Rice

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