Friday, January 11, 2019

John R. Rice Quotes of the Day

Jesus did not say, "Ye must be born again and again and again and again." No. You just need to be born again. - John R. Rice

Come, not to the church, not just to the preacher, but to Jesus! - John R. Rice

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Come to Jesus and find rest. You say, "Come to the church?" No, I'm for churches, but churches can't do what Jesus is doing here. Somebody said, "I went to church and they took a collection." Yes, they did down at the supermarket, they did at the ball game, they did at the theater. But that's not the point. "Well, I went to church and nobody shook hands with me." I'll bet you didn't shake hands with anybody else either. - John R. Rice

You say, "I believe the preachers are all preaching for money." Then they're a pretty wacky bunch. A preacher might be that mean but I sure hope that not many of them are that dumb! You go ahead and take the backsliders and the bootleggers and the Devil's crowd; I'll take the preachers. The Lord didn't say, "Come to the preacher." He said, "Come to Jesus." He didn't say, "Come to the church." It has to be Jesus. He didn't say, "Come to baptism." A little water on your head and a whole lot to dunk you in won't fix what's wrong with you, brother. It's Jesus you need. Come to Jesus. - John R. Rice 

Aren't you glad that it's that simple to get saved? Just take Jesus. You say, "I'm a sinner." Jesus died for sinners.
A woman in Philadelphia said to me, "All my neighbors are Catholics."
"Oh," I said, "Jesus died for Catholics."
Another woman said, "I'm surrounded by Jews. Everybody around me is a Jew."
I said, "You've got it made. They had 3,000 Jews saved on one day at Pentecost!" - John R. Rice

The man who does not have the Bible or the law of God, has the conscience from God which accuses or excuses him. - John R. Rice

People don't like to talk about death. They don't want a preacher to try to scare anybody, but anybody who has any sense will know that not to prepare for death is folly, inexcusably wicked folly. You are going to have to meet God and judgment and either Hell or Heaven is coming your way. Fear of death makes many people ready to listen to the Gospel. - John R. Rice

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