Monday, June 13, 2016


DEUTERONOMY 15                                                           Pastor Rick Jackson

It is truly edifying to mark the way in which the God of Israel was ever seeking to draw the hearts of His people to Himself by means of the various sacrifices, solemnities, and institutions of the Levitical ceremonial. There was the morning and evening lamb every day, there was the holy Sabbath every week, there was the new moon every month, there was the Passover every year, there was the tithing every three years, there was the release every seven years, and there was the jubilee every fifty years.

All this is full of deepest interest. It tells its own sweet tale, and teaches its own precious lesson to the heart. The morning and evening lamb, as we know, pointed ever to “the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world;” the Sabbath was the lovely type of the rest that remaineth to the people of God; the new moon beautifully prefigured the time when restored Israel shall reflect back the beams of the Sun of Righteousness upon the nations; the Passover was the standing memorial of the nation’s deliverance from Egyptian bondage; the year of tithing set forth the fact of Jehovah’s proprietorship of the land, as also the lovely way in which His rents were to be expended in meeting the need of His workman and His poor; the sabbatic year gave promise of a bright time when all debts would be canceled, all loans disposed of, all burdens removed; and finally, the jubilee was the magnificent type of the times of the restitution of all things, when the captive shall be set free, when the exile shall return to his long-lost home and inheritance, and when the land of Israel and the whole earth shall rejoice beneath the beneficent government of the Son of David.

Now, in all these lovely institutions we notice two prominent characteristic features, namely, glory to God, and blessing to man.  – C.H.M.

I. OUR MANNER [v. 1-15]

1. The Lord’s Release [v. 1-6]

2. The Lord’s Openness [v. 7-11]

3. The Lord’s Redemption [v. 12-15]


1. Remember Redemption [v. 15]

2. Love for the Master [v. 16-17]

3. Love for the Brethren [v. 18]

III. OUR MESSAGE [v. 19-23]

1. His Place [v. 19-20]

2. His Perfection [v. 21]

3. His Partakers [v. 22-23]

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