Tuesday, September 29, 2009


If good is not best- it's bad. - David Bouler


Walk by the Spirit: (Gal. 5:22).

We walk by faith: (2 Cor. 5;7).

Walk as children of light" (Eph. 5:8).

Have you ever analyzed walking? You lift the right foot off the ground and place it ahead of where it was.In that brief time when your right foot is off the ground your lift foot is holding you up. Then you do the same thing with the left foot and the right foot is holding you up. If you cannot trust the one foot to hold you up you will get nowhere. Walking requires trusting. So also in our Christian walk. We must trust our Lord to hold us up as we progress in our Christian life.If you ever twisted an ankle or had a surgery on a leg you needed help to walk--a friend, a cane, rehab exercises. To strengthen our faith we all need help, and our Lord gives it to us according to our particular situation. Don't sit, don't lie down, get walking. - Dr. Charles Ryrie


Now let me encourage everybody okay? Unless you have an emergency let's be still alright? To much walking around. Mommas and daddies (I'll just take a parentheses) if you need to take your kid to the restroom do it before church. That's why we give you the break. But there may be a person sitting right on your row that God brought in here specifically to hear the Word of God and you let everybody disperse and distract them and I don't get them again. And so be careful. This is the most critical hour of the whole week for us and dealing with people. Amen? So listen to that. This is serious business. Now I try not to be negative or ugly but man be conscious of this hour and the eternal souls of men. Okay. - David Bouler, Pastor, HPBC, 3-8-1992

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