Friday, December 23, 2022

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

 Jesus said plainly that God's love gift to the world was in order "that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life." Jesus did not come as a teacher, a philosopher, but to save people from their sins. When Nicodemus came to Jesus by night and said, "Rabbi, we know thou art a teacher come from God," Jesus abruptly answered, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:2, 3). What Nicodemus needed was not a teacher but a Saviour. He did not need a pattern; he needed a Redeemer. John R. Rice [Immanuel--God With Us, pg. 26]

Jesus did not come to civilize the world, to change society as a whole, to stop wars and crime and poverty. The modernists who leave off revivals, who stop having supernatural conversions, and talk piously of the church "bringing in the kingdom of God," have utterly missed the point of the gospel, the point of Jesus' coming. Jesus came to save individual sinners from Hell. He came to make black hearts white in the blood, came to give new life to those dead in trespasses and sins. Joseph was told by the angel, "Thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins" (Matt. 1:21). Zacharias, filled with the Holy Spirit and with the baby John in his arms, prophesied, "And thou, child, shall be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways; To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins" (Luke 1:76, 77). The angel announced to the shepherds, and we should always emphasize his message, that "unto you is born . . . a Saviour." John R. Rice [Immanuel--God With Us, pg. 26]

The name of Jesus means Saviour, and Jesus came to save. No one really has Jesus until he has Him as a Saviour in his own heart and has his own sins forgiven and his soul saved.
The most important thing for each reader this Christmastime is that he may make sure that he has come to Jesus as a poor lost sinner needing saving and that by faith he has accepted and received Jesus into his own heart as the Forgiver of his sins, the Pardoner of his transgressions, the Saviour of his soul. - John R. Rice [Immanuel--God With Us, pg. 27-28]

How blessed that the Saviour who was born in a stable should have His arrival first announced to humble shepherds in the fields, watching their flocks. Those who feel themselves great will not come to Him. Those who are self-satisfied and say that they are "rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing," will not run to such a meek and lowly Saviour. But all who know themselves to be sinners and long to be pure; all who know themselves to be empty of righteousness but hunger to be filled; all those who want to come for mercy and pardon instead of singing their own praises, will find the Saviour approachable. The Saviour made the way easy for all mankind when He had His coming announced to the shepherds by campfire, among the huddled flock of sheep that winter night long ago. - John R. Rice [Immanuel--God With Us, pg. 17]

So, the Wise Men opened their treasures. They had brought gold for Jesus. ...
Then frankincense. Incense for praise and worship in the Temple, or praise and prayer to deity, for Jesus is God. I have people ask, "Do you pray to Jesus?" Sure. "But I thought you prayed to the Father in the name of the Son." Well, Jesus is God, too. And the Father is not jealous of His Son. Just as in the Bible people came to Jesus to ask Him for things, so I can ask Him, too, and He answers me, as He answered them. Oh yes, Jesus is God and I offer Him the sweet incense of praise and worship, and I delight in His presence. I adore Him and I bring Him my petitions and offer Him my praise. - John R. Rice

I always rejoice when Christmas time draws near. I am glad to preach about the coming of Christ. I want you to think about it with me. Don't be browbeaten by unscholarly infidels who would take away the deity of Jesus Christ. Don't be impressed by their ignorance and ranting. - John R. Rice

Jesus is Jehovah God come into this world to be our Saviour and to be a Substitute for wicked men and and to suffer for wicked sinners like us and pay the debt and save sinners.- John R. Rice

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