Friday, April 16, 2021

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

We suppose that in Heaven there are two concerns: first, the unceasing joy and glory of a blessed salvation in the presence of Christ and the Father; and second, an interest in the salvation of men on this earth. And so in Hell, we suppose there are two concerns: first, the awful realization and torments of the wages of sin; and second, a concern about those left behind on this earth. It becomes clear to the prayerful student of this account by Jesus, in Luke 16:19-31, that soul winning is a principal concern of those in Heaven and those in Hell!- John R. Rice [The Soul Winners Fire, pg. 105-106]

If you have taken Christ as your own Lord and Saviour, then be sure to confess Him openly before men (Matt. 10:32); get in with the people of God, read your Bible daily, let the Lord Jesus be the Master of your whole life, and set out to be a soul winner for Him. - John R. Rice [The Soul Winners Fire, pg. 114]

Jesus Himself also said, "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life" (John 3:36). When you trusted Jesus Christ, He saved you. I will pray for you that you will believe God and quit depending on your feelings and emotions. It would be wrong for me to be praying for God to give you the kind of feeling you want. That is not the way we are to know we are saved. We know we are saved because God said it and we have faith to believe it. Faith takes God's Word as true and relies upon it. ― John R. Rice, Dr. Rice, Here Are More Questions

You say, "But over in I Corinthians 14 Paul said, 'I would that ye all spake with tongues.'" Yes, "I would you all could talk in different languages like I do." He did not talk there about a miracle, he didn't talk about the gift if tongues. What Paul rebuked there was not a gift of tongues; he was rebuking ordinary languages used in services where people did not understand them. - John R. Rice [Kindly, Clear Bible Answers About Speaking in Tongues, pg. 10]

There is not a single command in the Bible to talk in tongues. Not only that, but there is not even a promise in the Bible that certain people will talk in tongues. There is not even a hint in the Bible anywhere that if you are filled with the Holy Spirit, the initial evidence is speaking in tongues. In the first place, you do not need any evidence. If you are filled with the Spirit of God to win souls, and win souls, that is its own evidence. Why should I need some evidence of the power of God when I see a multitude of people saved? - John R. Rice [Kindly, Clear Bible Answers About Speaking in Tongues, pg. 10]

 No, the Bible doesn't talk about the "initial evidence." That is a man-made doctrine. That is a philosophy of a cult, made up by some, to claim themselves a little better than others, and that is not Bible doctrine. There is not one command in the Bible to speak in tongues or to seek to talk in tongues. That is not what God is talking about. The command is that we should have the fullness of the Spirit to witness for Jesus. And that is what I want. - John R. Rice [Kindly, Clear Bible Answers About Speaking in Tongues, pg. 10]

You say, "Don't you think God can work miracles today?" Yes He can, and I believe He does; but I don't think anybody goes around having a miracle before breakfast. It is not just a plaything of someone who wants to put on a show to prove he is better than someone else. The Lord didn't tell anybody to go ahead and let some snake bite him so he could get miraculously healed. I have seen some amazing, miraculous healings, but I say they only happen occasionally. - John R. Rice [Kindly, Clear Bible Answers About Speaking in Tongues, pg. 11]

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