Friday, August 30, 2019

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

I do not say that no Catholics are real Christians. Any who have personally repented of their sins and have trusted Jesus Christ to forgive their sins and save their souls are saved. No doubt some, despite the trappings and forms of Romanism, have in their hearts found the Saviour. But Romanism is a terrible curse. Any true children of God who are in this unscriptural organization which pretends to forgive sins and pretends to have the sole authority of Christ on earth should come out and follow the Bible instead of following the teachings and traditions of the unscriptural Roman Catholic Church. - John R. Rice

A long face is a poor signboard for Jesus. - John R. Rice

I have always maintained the position that faith in God and Christ is the most reasonable and sensible thing in the world, and that no honest, intelligent Christian has anything to fear from honest investigation and from the truth, found anywhere. - John R. Rice

I could not promise to explain every word in the Bible. You see, God is bigger than man, and God's book is wiser than any man's book. But, thank God, I have again and again proved that the Bible is scientifically accurate, historically correct and morally perfect, so I would be unscientific and going by my prejudices and not by the facts if I did not accept the Bible as the very Word of God, which it has proved itself to be. - John R. Rice

Do not tell me that when we preach that God saves people forever, we are encouraging people to sin. No; we are encouraging them to trust the One who knows they cannot save themselves, cannot keep themselves and so they need to trust Him for daily help, then they can live far better lives than if they were depending upon themselves. - John R. Rice 

No one is a better Christian who plays down the grace of God in order to play up human righteousness. - John R. Rice

A woman writes that her husband claims to be saved but she knows he is not because he smokes. A pastor tells about a drunkard who was saved or claimed to be saved, but this pastor knows he was not because later he fell into sin and drank again!
Preachers like this, perverting the Gospel of God and thus more or less unconsciously teaching salvation by works, love to quote the Scripture, "By their fruits ye shall know them." They claim they can judge people whether they are saved.
That, of course, is a misunderstanding, a perversion, of that Scripture, but they think it gives them a right to pass judgment on whether one is saved or not. Actually, it specifically says one can know false teachers by their doctrine. - John R. Rice [Great Controversial Subjects Settled from the Bible, pg.35]

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