Friday, August 02, 2019

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

When Jesus fed the 5,000 with one little boy's lunch of five little barley loaves and two small fishes, the people ate and were full and had twelve baskets left over. God was saying that, had there been a million people, He could have fed them, too. I have sometimes said that what those 5,000 ate was for them; the twelve basketsfull left over were for us.
Do you get the idea? God is able to do "exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think." - John R. Rice

Another thing that hinders prayer is indifference toward the Bible. Proverbs 28:9 says, "He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination." The law there originally meant the books of Moses, then it came to mean the whole Old Testament, now it means the whole Bible. - John R. Rice 

In your heart do you say, "I'm not interested in the Bible"? Those who print the so-called Living Bible and Living Letters teach that people can't understand the King James Version, etc. That is wicked. You can. - John R. Rice

Somebody said, "Oh, well, the Bible is dull." But there are no uninteresting parts in the Bible, just some uninterested Christians. - John R. Rice

When I was a boy back in West Texas, I would come home from school and say, "Mamma, can I have a biscuit?" So I would get a cold biscuit. Now a cold biscuit doesn't seem too much to you, but if you are hungry, as you chew it, it gets sweet! The Bible, too, if you chew on it, gets sweet. If you get it in your heart and mind and meditate on it, it turns out mighty good and rich and sweet. - John R. Rice

If you don't like the Bible, then you are in bad shape to pray. If you don't have time for the Bible, God said, "I don't have time for you either. Keep away and don't pester Me." [Pr. 28:9] So if you want God to answer your prayers, you have to love the Bible and pay attention to the Bible. - John R. Rice

Oh, you had better be careful not to love sin, not to excuse sin, not to take up for sin. If it is an issue between you and God, you had better get it fixed. I don't care how big or how little: a debt you didn't pay, a sharp word you said and never tried to make friends and apologize. Is it something you took and didn't restore? Then if I regard it [Ps. 66:18], if I love any sin, if I hold on to any sin, excuse some sin and think it isn't so bad, then that sure shuts up Heaven. - John R. Rice

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