Friday, June 07, 2019

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

Any person who marries one of the Devil's children is certain to have trouble with his father-in-law, Satan! - John R. Rice

No home can be happy until Christ is the Lord of the home, the King in the hearts of both man and woman. Success, and happiness, and peace in any other kind of a home is only relative, only a fraction of what it could be if Christ had His way in the hearts of both husband and wife. - John R. Rice 

There can be no happiness without authority. The kingdom of Christ can never come on earth until His will is done here as it is in Heaven. Only when rebellion came in was man cast outside the garden, a fallen soul. No home can be happy without authority. - John R. Rice

Here is the basis for all sin: rebellion against authority. The reason for all the crimes against society is this one thing - rebellion against authority. - John R. Rice

We spoke at the county jail one Sunday afternoon. 465 men and women were there. Every one of them, however diverse were their crimes, came there because they rebelled against authority. Every man in the penitentiary goes there for that very reason. Every person in Hell goes there primarily because he rebels against the authority of God and refuses to obey His commands, refuses to trust God's Son, refuses to surrender to His will. We must remember, "The powers that be are ordained of God." God demands obedience to law, obedience to authority. - John R. Rice

Dear friend, happiness does not come to the home that has no authority, no discipline, no restraint, no punishment of sin. If you want the peace of God to abide in your home, then, Husband, Father, take your place as the minister of God,the head of the home and see that righteousness prevails there. It will take prayers, tears, pleading, and sometimes chastising. It will take good example and an earnest seeking after the right. But it is worth it, and there is no other way to have a home where God can abide in great blessing. - John R. Rice

The Bible is never out of date. - John R. Rice

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