Friday, June 14, 2019

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

Homes that are like Heaven must put Christ first. - John R. Rice

What part does the church have in your home? Is it counted an honor to be a church member? When you move your residence, do you immediately put your membership in a church of God's leading and choice, in the new community where you reside? And do you regularly attend the services whenever the doors are open? Are you in your place in Sunday school? in the morning and evening preaching services on Sunday? in the prayer meeting on Wednesday night? Do you take some active part, to fulfill your ministry, your stewardship of the Gospel? If not, how can you expect God to make such a home happy? Children will not follow the precept of a father and mother whose example does not tell the same thing. - John R. Rice 

Children will have no confidence in a hypocrite. They know whether you mean business for God. When they see you day by day putting business before the church, putting your pleasure before God, putting money-making before soul winning, reading other literature before the Bible, do you suppose they believe in your claims as a Christian? Do you suppose they are impressed by your devotion to God? Do you suppose they see any reason for trusting Christ and loving Him and serving Him? - John R. Rice 

You may expect your children to follow in your footsteps. You cannot expect them to love God and serve Him, to put Him first, unless you do the same. - John R. Rice

At our home as a boy (it is one of my happy memories!) we always expected to go to church. My father, my step-mother, the whole family (too many to ride in one carriage!) went to church. We went when it was cold, we went when it was hot. We went when it rained, we went when it was dry. It was rare indeed that any were so sick they could not go, and if that were true, the rest of us went to church, and just one stayed home to care for the sick. We went to church and Sunday school on time. We went to prayer meeting. I thank God for the happy memories that proved to me the sincerity of my father's faith in God. - John R. Rice

About the worst thing that could happen for America would be for Christian people, the educated people, the well-disciplined, moral people to stop raising good families and let the world be overrun by the ignorant, the illiterate, the immoral, the illegitimate and the lazy. Every Christian home that raises good families and teaches them the Bible and gets the children saved and makes good, loyal, patriotic citizens and teaches them to make an honest living, is contributing to the health and welfare of America, not only in spiritual values but in every value dear to good people. - John R. Rice

In some sense, a married woman's first duty is to be a good wife. And while that may take some time and a woman may prefer some quicker, easier way, God's way often is that a lost husband will not be won unless his wife proves to be a good Christian by loving and obeying him, as she promised to do.
Perhaps someone says, "But that will not work! I believe that a lost husband simply would lead the wife into further sin to dishonor God!"
My answer is simply this: I did not write this Scripture [1 Pet. 3:1-7]; God had it written in the Bible. And if you do not believe this part of the Bible will work, why believe any part of the Bible will work? Do you want to get your scissors and cut out just the parts of the Bible you do not believe, as a modernist or infidel would? No, here is God's plan. - John R. Rice

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