Thursday, May 24, 2007

Quotes of the Week!

"For the most part children do not create problems; they reveal them." W.W. Wiersbe

"The strength of a nation is derived from the integrity of its homes." -Confucius

"Parents often change their minds and create problems for their children, sometimes by swinging from extreme permisiveness to extreme legalism." -Wiersbe

In every church I have pastored there have been parents who punished their children by NOT letting them go to church or some other spiritual activity (the very place they might learn how to better behave). Parents that have done this are hurting themselves in several ways.

"The spirit of a young child is to be carefully and tenderly developed. One cannot crush the spirit of a child with harshness and lack of understanding, and expect that child to develop into a gracious, Christian lady or gentleman. With caution, a tender twig can be bent and shaped; but hasty, rude bending will warp or brake such tender growth." -Oliver B. Greene

"If Dad is unavailable, he should work on his schedule. If he is inacessible, he should work on his attitude." -James T. Dyet

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