Friday, August 27, 2021

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

 It is shocking that money becomes a master. It is a good servant but a bad master. - John R. Rice [Luke, pg. 390]

Is the fire in Hell literal fire? We think so. It would seem strange and hardly honest for God to use the term again and again and again about Hell, unless He meant it. - John R. Rice [Luke, pg. 400]

Some argue that the term "everlasting punishment" means simply "age lasting" or "lasting indefinitely," not necessarily lasting forever. But the same word is used for everlasting fire and everlasting punishment in Matthew 25:41, 46 as is used for everlasting life in John 3:16; John 3:36; John 5:24 and elsewhere. If Heaven is to be eternal, everlasting, then Hell is to be eternal, everlasting. - John R. Rice [Luke, pg. 402]

I tell you, Heaven is a real, literal, physical place, a city as material, as physical, as literal as Chicago or London or New York or Tokyo. - John R. Rice

Let us say then that every lost man in the world could get the Gospel. If he followed what light he had, God would give more light. If one, like that Roman centurion in Acts, chapter 10, who had never heard the Gospel, prayed with all his heart and sought God, God would surely make some way for him to hear the Gospel. And every lost man will be judged: if he has the Scriptures, by the law, i.e. the Scriptures, and if he does not have the law, he will be judged by his own conscience-the conscience either accusing or excusing (Rom. 2:12-16). - John R. Rice [Luke, pg. 404]

There [Lk. 17:11-19] is a sad usual pattern in the fact that so many, greatly blessed beyond measure, did not even return to thank Christ ! Many now do not even regularly thank God for their food. And is it wickedness beyond measure for those who take God's mercies, His sunshine, His air, His food, family, friends, work, pleasure, to never turn to give any thanks to Christ, to God, or to love and trust the Saviour. - John R. Rice [Luke, pg. 412]

How triumphantly one of my six daughters used to say, "Chi'ren, go 'bey your parents for this is right!" One little daughter memorized John 3:15 and she said it, "... that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have INTERNAL life." Oh, fill their little minds with Scriptures and with Christian songs and with the fundamental truths of the Bible! And teach them to pray. - John R. Rice [Luke, pg. 434-435]

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