Monday, May 10, 2021





 He succumbed to Covid Jan. 11, 2021. Solomon Owolabi, 79, of Nigeria, West Africa, father of six, grandfather of two. This is his testimony.


Many times, when I go to churches to speak, they wonder why I have the marks on my face. Many, many years ago in Africa, when a child was born in my tribe, they would put this mark on his face to identify that child with his tribe. If I walk anywhere in Africa, anyone who sees me, without asking me a question, just by looking at my face, they will be able to know the tribe that I belong to. They will be able to know the town that I come from. They will be able to know the language, the dialect that I speak. They will even know the village that I come from. I have another mark across my nose. My grandfather is the Chief of our tribe.

We have two million people in my tribe. After he dies, my father will become a Chief. I am the first son of my father. Someday I would have become a Chief. This mark on my nose identifies me with a royal line. But today, because I have put faith in Jesus Christ, I can no longer be a Chief among my tribe. When my tribal people look at me, they think I have lost everything. But there is one thing they do not know, I haven’t lost anything, I have gained much. Even though I cannot be a Chief to my tribal people, I am a child of a King!! One day I will rule with Jesus. They see the marks on the face, but apart from the marks on the face, I have the greatest and the best of all marks, and that is the mark of Jesus Christ. It is the mark within. The Apostle Paul in Galatians 6:17, says, “From henceforth let no man trouble me; for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus,”

Today the mark I boast about, the mark that I glorify in is the mark of Jesus Christ. Thank God He saved me!


The Bible says where there is no vision, the people perish. I have not perished today because somebody had a vision. I have not perished today because a church had a vision to believe that Jesus died for the whole world. Somebody left the comfort of America to come to tell me about Jesus Christ. Many years ago, before a missionary came to my country, I was in darkness, on my way to hell. I was worshipping and serving the god of my ancestors. Can you imagine two million people serving a stone god? The whole tribe would meet together and bow down to a stone god. We had this stone god right in the center of our house. When we got sick, instead of taking us to the hospital, we were brought before the stone god. When we were brought before the stone god, we would all bow down before the stone god, then my father, who was the head of the home, would hold a chicken in his hand. As he held the live chicken, he would be talking to the stone god, and all of a sudden, he would tear the chicken’s head off. When he tore the chicken’s head off, the blood would be oozing out of the chicken. He would drain the hot blood of the chicken on top of the stone god. After he drained the blood, while the chicken was struggling to die, he would drop the chicken on the ground. If the struggling chicken died with its stomach facing the sky, it meant that the stone god has accepted the sacrifice. Sometimes we had to sacrifice 15 chickens before one would die facing the sky. Thank Jesus today, it is not the blood of a chicken, it is the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son that takes away my sin.

“When I see the blood, I will pass over you.” [Exodus 12:13]

“Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin.” [Hebrews 9:22]

My sins are forgiven today, because of the blood of Jesus.

While I was worshipping the stone god, missionaries came to my country. My parents called all of us together to tell us not to talk to the missionaries. When we saw the missionaries, we literally ran. God gave the missionaries great wisdom. Since they could not reach us, they decided to build a high school. Our parents wanted us to have an education, so our parents sent us to the high school. The night before I went to school, I was put before the stone god, and my parents made sacrifices. They told me they were dedicating me fully to the stone god, and the stone god would protect me and take care of me, but if I ever listened to the missionary, if I ever heard their story about another God, the stone god would kill me immediately. I left home in fear. When I arrived at school the next day, the missionaries said that everyone who came to the school should go to Chapel. When they told me that, I was shaking. My parents had already warned me. I feared our stone god would kill me if I ever went to Chapel. While all of the other students went to Chapel, I took off to the jungle, running for my life. I climbed a tree and read my books.

I felt a very cold touch, like ice, on the back of my neck. When I turned my head, I saw a big python coiled around the tree, touching me with its tongue. When I saw the python, I left my books and ran back to the school. When I got there, everyone was still in Chapel, but because I was frightened, I wanted to be where people were, so I was forced to go to Chapel.

I saw the missionary standing behind the pulpit, preaching the Word of God. The first thing he said was that God was angry with our sacrifices. How did he know about our sacrifices? The missionary said, “God, Himself has provided a Perfect Sacrifice, that Sacrifice is His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.” As I sat there, I started comparing the 2 sacrifices. My parents sacrificed a chicken, but this man was talking about the sacrifice of a person, God’s Son. That might be greater. Then he said that Jesus died so that His blood could atone for our sin. If we make any other sacrifices, God would be angry. Then he quoted John 3:18

“He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already.”

That word. “Already,” in my own language means “you are finished.” The missionary said as many as would receive God’s Sacrifice, the Lord Jesus Christ, God would give them the power to become his children. That was good news. The missionary gave an invitation. Many Africans were saved. The thought came to my mind, “ I want the missionary’s God!” I was afraid if I went forward, the stone god would kill me. I didn’t want to die, but I wanted to accept the missionary’s God. I held to my chair. I saw the missionary’s wife stand in front of the pulpit singing, "WHAT CAN WASH AWAY MY SIN, NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS."

Tears were running down her face. I wondered, “Why is she crying, crying for me?” If the lady would cry for me, while her husband was inviting me to come to Jesus, the matter was serious. I thought if I took a step for the front, I would be dead before I got there. As I saw the lady with tears, I said, “I will go!” If the missionary’s God were the great God that he talked about, even if I died on the way that God would know that I died coming to Him. I decided that I would rather be dead saved than to sit there and go to hell. I took the first step. It wasn’t a step for death, but for life. That was the greatest step in my life.

The second step, I did not die. I began to realize the missionary’s God must be a greater God than my father’s god. The missionary’s wife reached me and opened her Bible, pointing me to the Savior. That was the beginning of excitement in my life. My sins were all forgiven. I have a new story to tell the world, the story that Jesus saves and changes lives.

After my salvation, my first victim was my mother. The missionary gave me a Bible, which I took home and read to my mother. I told my mother that I had given my life to Jesus. My mother said, “You better be quiet! Don’t ever let your father hear that! You will be dead!” My mother took my Bible from me, but I took it back. As time passed, my mother noticed my life had changed. My mother got saved. She gave her life to Christ. She told me never to tell my father about my salvation, but when she got saved, she went and told my father. When she told my father, we were driven away from the house. The missionaries took us in. After 18 months of hard prayer, my father’s heart melted. He did not accept Christ, but he took my mother back. He told me because I had brought the whole thing, he would never take me back.

Psalm 27:9 “When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up.”

I started going to the villages witnessing, telling others about Jesus Christ. When the missionaries saw this, they felt that I should go to a Bible School, so they sent me to America to get an education. I attended Tennessee Temple, in Chattanooga, for seven years on a work scholarship. If the amazing grace of God can reach this wretched sinner in the jungle of Africa, you need not go to hell.

America, you are blessed, blessed with the gospel. Salvation is real! Christ can save you! Religion is not the answer! You must know Jesus Christ! He saved me! I know He changed my life and He can do the same for you. Don’t sit in a country where you hear the name Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, and it becomes meaningless! Jesus is able to save you. If Jesus can save a wretched African in the jungle, He can save you right now.

John 6:37b “him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.”

He loves you. He died for you. He died for me. He changed my life. He is real. I am not sure of many things, but I am sure of one thing, if I die today, I am going to Heaven. Because of my faith in Jesus Christ, and that’s all, that’s all! Don’t be religious and go to hell. Meet the Savior. Open your heart and let Him come in and change your life. You will know that Heaven is your home.

Not only did Christ save me, but the missionary sent me to America to get an education. I went to Tennessee Temple, in Chattanooga for 7 years, but let me say this today; the greatest education I got in America is that the Jesus who saved me in Africa is alive! The Jesus that saved me in Africa, He is a living Savior. He is not dead! He died, but He rose up again, and is alive.

Philippians 3:10a “That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection.”

He is resurrected. The power that raised Him, I want to know it. God showed me that power, that the Savior who died for me rose up again, and is alive. That is the greatest education I have in America.

Do you know why I am able to go to the Moslems? I know my God is real! I know He has promised never to leave me nor forsake me, so I am not afraid. I learned this in America. Jesus became real, a living reality! When I talk about Jesus, my Jesus, I am not talking about a God who is there, I am talking about God who is here! Christian, how real is Christ to you? Do you know that He is a person that you can touch, that you can feel? He can work! He is mighty! I learned that in America.

It was an unpleasant experience, but I tell you this, it is the most joyous experience I have in life. It is an experience that taught me that I have a Savior who lives, who acts, who moves. My God is real!

When I was coming to America, the missionaries got me a scholarship to work thirty-five hours a week at Tennessee Temple. I thank God for that. After they got me the scholarship, they said, “Solomon, you will be going to America, our country. You will be going to school there. When you take a plane from Africa, the first place where you will be landing will be New York. When you get to New York you have to change planes. You have to go to LaGuardia Airport to get another plane to take you to Tennessee.”

I had it all written, so the missionary gave me a wallet. I never owned a wallet, never seen a wallet. In that wallet he put ten American dollars. He said, “Solomon, when you get to New York, call for a taxi to take you to LaGuardia Airport, and they will charge you ten dollars. Just give them the money. They will take you to the airport to catch the other plane that will take you to Tennessee.” So, I came to New York. Can you imagine an African who has come to New York for the first time? Everything was different! Everything was big! And here I came. The plane landed around two o’clock in the morning. When I landed, I collected my suitcases. There were three. I started carrying them on my head. Everybody was looking at me as if I were strange. I was just going, I didn’t pay attention to anybody. I wanted to call for a taxi, but I didn’t know how. So I asked a man, “Hey, I want to go to LaGuardia Airport, can you help me?” The man said, “Go and stand there.” I went and stood there. It was about 2:15 in the morning. When I stood there, a taxi came. The driver helped me put my suitcases in the taxi. I digged my hand in my pocket to get the wallet. The wallet was gone! I didn’t know a single person in America. I stood there, and what really killed me, the driver started taking my things out. He was taking them out, my suitcases! He took them out and left. I was literally shedding tears. I said, “What can I do?” There and then, I looked at my suitcases. Maybe I should sell my clothes. Who will want them? Everybody I tried to call, they ran away from me. I just cried.

Christians, do you remember the song?

“Are you weary, are you heavy hearted? Tell it to Jesus.”

When no other person will listen, tell it to Jesus!

God took all I had, so that He could show me great things. God took everything that I had, so that I could learn to depend upon Jesus. God took everything I had so that I would look up! I thank God for it!

In New York everything failed me. Then I remembered the missionary said, “Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you.” [Hebrews 13:5] There in New York the thought came to my mind “Yes, He said so!” The missionary taught us that God is everywhere, so if God is everywhere, He must be in New York.

I cried. My mind went back to Africa. I could picture my mother. I know my mother would do everything in her power to get me out of New York, if she were there. But where is she, far away in Africa. Here, I stood in New York, stranded.

“Souls in danger look above, Jesus completely saves.”

He promised to save and He promised to keep! I couldn’t look anywhere else. I looked up to Jesus!

Hebrews 12:2 “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.”


It’s a joyous look. It’s a pleasant look. It is a look of comfort and encouragement.

I lifted my head and I piled the suitcases together in the New York airport. There were tears. I placed my head right on the suitcases. The first thing I said, “God, are you here? The missionary said you are everywhere, so if you are everywhere, ARE YOU HERE?”

I just poured my heart to God. “God are you here? If you are here, I am giving you 2 things. Make a choice and do one NOW, NOW, NOW!” That’s how I went before God. Oh, the power of prayer! No wonder Jesus says, “Men ought always to pray.” [Luke 19:10] Christian, do you pray? PRAYER IS POWER! PRAYER MAKES GOD REAL! Prayer put God in action. I said, “God, if you are here, take me back to Africa right now, I am ready, or you send me to Tennessee. How you do it, I do not know, but choose one and DO IT NOW!

Christian, when we don’t pray, we become powerless. When we don’t pray, we won’t sleep. Trouble will beat us! When we don’t pray, we are afraid. Oh, how we need to trust Jesus. O’ sweet hour of prayer, it takes us from this world of care and puts us where God can reach us. God taught me.

I was happy inside and I walking in New York like a king, even though my problem was not solved. God lifted my burdens and I believed that songwriter,

“Burdens are lifted at Calvary.”

Not only the burden of sin, but burden of cares, burden of worries. They will be lifted at Calvary. At the cross of Jesus I knelt and called on Him and God just lifted my burden.

As soon as I finished praying, I have another problem. There was a door in front of me. I did not trust anybody in New York. I have three suitcases. I want to carry the suitcases through the door all at once. I do not want anybody to help me. I do not want to take two and leave the other. They will steal it! So, I said, “God, will you help me? I am going to carry one suitcase on my head, one in each hand. God, help me to pass through so that my suitcases won’t fall and people will laugh.” So, I was making my way, getting to the door, and when I got closer to the door, THAT DOOR WENT WIDE OPEN BY ITSELF! Oh! I shook! I dropped the whole suitcases. I put them down and I went around, “ PRAISE THE LORD!” I was so excited. “PRAISE THE LORD! PRAISE THE LORD! PRAISE THE LORD!” One man saw me praising the Lord. He said, “Hey, where are you from?” I was all excited. I said, “FROM AFRICA!” He said, “What are you praising the Lord for?” I said, “CAN’T YOU SEE THE DOOR? CAN’T YOU SEE IT OPEN? CAN’T YOU SEE IT?” The man looked at me and said, “YOU ARE A NUT!” Then he said, “The Lord didn’t open the door for you, the door was electricity.” Then he tried to explain. I still didn’t get it. I said, “PRAISE THE LORD ANYWAY!” I went through the door and sat down. While I was sitting down it was getting to three o’clock. I sat down. I was tired. I didn’t know anybody and I was dozing. I had my Bible beside me and I put my feet right on my suitcases. I held my hand over my ticket so no one could get to it. I was dozing. But thank God, while I was sleeping over my problems, THE LORD GOD OF ISRAEL DOES NOT SLEEP NOR SLUMBER! [Psalm 121:3] [He that keepeth Israel, He doesn’t sleep nor slumber! [Psalm 121:4] He was working! He was working! God was on my side, of whom shall I be afraid?

I was dozing, not knowing that a man was watching me. He saw my Bible, a torn Bible. I read my Bible, torn! The man came and tapped my shoulder. When I opened my eyes, I checked to see if my suitcases were still there. They were. The first thing he asked me,” Are you saved?” I said, “I am born again.” The moment I spoke, he knew I was not from America. Then he asked, “What brought you to our country?” I said, “I going to a Bible school.” The man was so surprised. “Bible school?” I said, “Yes.” Then he asked me about my marks. He was asking me different questions. The man was so nice. He said, “ Where are you going to Bible school?” I said, “Tennessee.” He said, “TENNESSEE? Well, well, this is a small world. Where in Tennessee?” I couldn’t pronounce Chattanooga very well, so he said he wanted to see my ticket. I said, “OH NO! NOT MY TICKET! Oh, not my ticket!” I did not want to give him my ticket, so he stood there and I didn’t say a word. I saw him open his briefcase. I saw some Bibles and tracts in there. I thought this man might be a Christian. He has a Bible, so I gave him my ticket. When he saw Chattanooga, the man was shocked! He said, “Well, well, you are going to Chattanooga, Tennessee.” He said, “BEHOLD, ON THE SAME PLANE WITH ME.” Then he told me, “My name is Reverend Ben Haden. I am a Presbyterian preacher. I have come to New York to preach and I am going to Chattanooga. Do you know you are going on the same plane with me?”

Jeremiah 33:3 “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”

Look at the whole America. Look at the faces you can see, all the way to New York, all over America, millions of people, three o’clock in the night. I’m in New York, thousands of people. God couldn’t get anybody in the whole America to talk to me for the first time, but someone from Chattanooga, Tennessee. IS THAT COINCIDENCE?

Jeremiah 33:3, “CALL UNTO ME!”

I never called upon God before, like I did in New York. Let me tell you this. HE ANSWERED! I learned that day that I have a God who hears the cry of His children. I CALLED! HE ANSWERED! He showed me great and mighty things in New York.

The man carried one of my suitcases, put it in a taxi. He said, “Come in!” He didn’t know what had happened to me. We went all the way to La Guardia Airport.

God said, “I will supply all your needs.”

Whatever you depend upon, apart from Jesus, it will fail you. I know this. Jesus will never fail! He didn’t fail me in America. The man put me in the plane, penniless, but thank God, I had Jesus. He is not only a Savior of men; He is a sufficient Savior, beautiful for every situation.

On my way from New York to Tennessee, instead of me praising God, thanking God, you know what my problem was? I sat in the plane, they gave me food, I would not eat. The man said to go ahead and eat. I said, “You don’t know what I am going through.” I was thinking, “God, if I get to Chattanooga, how am I going to get to the school? If I get to Chattanooga Airport now, my problem, how to get to Temple.” No wonder the Bible says, “O’ ye of little faith.” I was faithless. God hath provided a way from New York to Tennessee, I am now worried from the airport to the school. “O’ ye of little faith.” [Mt. 16:8]

Hebrews 11: 6 “But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”

HE IS ALIVE! HE IS ACTIVE! He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him! Have faith in God. Please, have faith in God! By faith you look to Jesus.

When we got to Chattanooga, the man didn’t leave me. He showed me where to collect my suitcases. He carried one and I carried two. He led me outside. I thought he was going to leave me. My heart was beating! While we were standing, the wife came with the car. He put my suitcases in. He drove me to Tennessee Temple. “PRAISE GOD! HE IS REAL! HE IS REAL!”

I came to America. For two good weeks, I never have soap. I don’t have money. If the students were to know that I didn’t have soap, I know many of them, they would give me soap. I know that. But you see, I was homesick. If they found out and tried to give me soap, I would cry more, because I was homesick. So, I didn’t let them know. After two weeks with no soap, I decided I would go under the water, after they have taken their shower, I would collect pieces of soap. I would join them together. I used soap for toothpaste for two weeks. I used soap for toothpaste! I didn’t have any. One day, the students were taking their showers, my soap was finished. I wanted them to come out of the shower so that I could collect the broken soap. When one finished, another one would go. I decided I must go since they will make me late. When I got to the class the teacher said, “Solomon, you are tardy!” On the way back to my dorm, I said, “God, God, I can’t go to class because I waited for soap. You know, in Africa, in Africa, in Africa, my country, if I don’t have soap at all, I can always go to my mother and I can use her soap. You say that You are greater than my mother, can’t you give me soap?” By the time I got to my room I just cried like a baby. I cried. I stood right in the center of the room and knelt down. I said, “God, what kind of preacher do You want to make me? Have You brought me to America to kill me? I want to talk to people about Jesus. If I go talking to them and I stink, can they hear? Do You want to make me a stinking preacher?” I just cried. Then I said, “God, I don’t know how You are going to do it, but if You are the One who sent me here, I need soap and toothpaste. If You can give, give me.” I just cried and poured my heart to God.

The first day I went to work, I poured water on myself and went to class. Second day passed. The third day, five o’clock in the evening, I was coming to my room. Four people lived in the room. I saw a big box. On that box was written, Solomon Owolabi, to Solomon Owolabi, from Ladies Missionary Society of Highland Park Baptist Church. My roommates helped me push that thing inside. I opened that thing, soap, I have soap to last me six months, toothpaste, plenty. Other things! Other things! Shampoo, never used shampoo in my life! Shampoo was there.



Oh, trust in Jesus. What a needless pain! What a needless pain! Using soap for toothpaste, wasn’t that a needless pain, when I can pray, when I can pray, when I have God who is big enough?


Many of you are doing like I did. Instead of enjoying abundant riches of God’s blessings, peace, joy, you are using leftover soap. Trust Him!


Every one of His promises are real! He made them for you! He had you in mind! I claimed them all in America. He gave me all, seven years. He is a sufficient Savior. Our faith looks up to Jesus, Him alone! He never failed me.

It took me a long time to get used to America. You see, in my school, Tennessee Temple, they want you to be in a certain place, in the right time. Be in a certain place at the right time! They were driving me. I am not used to that! See, in Africa, we go by the sun. Here, it’s time. YOU’RE LATE! YOU’RE LATE! YOU’RE LATE!

I had been watching my roommates. Whenever they finished their showers, they would come into the room, they would grab a can, spray here, spray there. When I got the box, I also got a can. After I took a fresh shower, I grab a can, I spray here and I spray here. I went to the classroom. The sun was coming up. I told my roommate, “Brother, I don’t feel good!” He said, “What’s wrong?” I said, “You know I used that thing you use. I didn’t use yours, I used mine.” He asked, “What thing?” I said, “The thing you spray here and spray there.” He said, “I saw you have plenty in your box.” I said, “I used one, but I don’t feel good!” My roommate asked, “How do you feel?” I said, “I feel hard up here. My shirt is hard!” My roommate said, “Okay, when we get to break, we will go to the room to see what you used.” During break, we went to the room. I showed him what I used. He said, “Oh Brother!” IT WAS SPRAY STARCH! I didn’t know the difference. You know what I say to that? God says He will bless you more abundantly than you expect or ask. I asked for soap. He gave me spray starch. Deodorant, plenty He gave to me! God is a good God, a caring God!

Whenever I write letters, I say, “Praise Be to the Lord, Loving and Caring God. He cared for me.”

I was so hungry. They told me I was late. I could not go to the dining hall. I begged the lady. I said, “Madam Parker, please let me in. If you don’t let me go in to the dining hall, I have nowhere to eat!” She said, “Solomon, you are late like everyone else.” I turned. On my way to my room, I said, “God, did You hear what the woman said? She said I am late like anyone else. Now, You show me how I will eat.” I did not have a penny, no penny. I went and changed. I vacuum carpet thirty-five hours. I was vacuuming carpet and I felt I was really hungry. I looked out the windows; there was nobody there. I knelt down. I held a chair. I said, “God, Lord, in Africa my mother will give me food. Here, I don’t have penny! A cent I don’t have. They took it in New York. I am reminding You again. Now, God, You know I cannot beg and I can’t steal. You say You know all things. Search me. You know I am hungry. Please, give me twenty-five cents for French fries.” After I prayed, I left the vacuum cleaner. I went and checked my mailbox. There was nothing there. I looked across at a restaurant where they sell French fries. I saw American boys and girls. They be talking to their girlfriends, talking to their boyfriends, they collect French fries in their hands, put it in ketchup, start eating it. I can see it, I can smell it, but I didn’t get to eat. I went and stood by a tree. I said, “God, would You please give me French fries? What do these people have in You that I don’t have? Tell me, why do they eat and You deny me French fries?” I stood by the tree and held the tree so tight. I said, “God, please give me French fries, I’m hungry. If You don’t have the money, I don’t know how You do it, but I need some food!” I went back again and looked at them, I just cried. As soon as I was leaving the building, getting out of the door, a missionary by name of Mike Bentley met me. I met him in the summer, already had graduated, he left for Michigan. He said, “Solomon, how are you?” I said, “I am doing fine.” He said, “How are your classes?” I said, “ I’m fine.” He said, “I am from Michigan, going to Florida. I just dropped to say hello to you.” “Me?” The whole Chattanooga, he stopped to say hello to me. You know why?


He died for you! What else can’t He give to you?

Mike shook my hand. When he shook my hand, I saw him slipping five dollars into my hand. But after, he won’t let my hand go! He was still holding my hand, and we were talking, and I saw the five dollars. I said, “God, please let him leave my hand.” So he said, “Well, Brother Solomon, I’ve got to go.” I said, “Thank You. God Bless You!”

I went back to that restaurant. I ate five packs of French fries! I still have some change left. HE LOVES ME! HE LOVES YOU!



The only reason you and I are going through a lot of problems, because we have refused to ask Jesus. He said everyone who asks, everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds, but what about me? What about you? We do not have because we have no faith to ask. No wonder the disciples of Jesus said, “Lord, teach us to pray.”

Christian, how really alive, active, living is God to you? How is your prayer life? Shallow? No wonder no joy, no peace, no excitement. May God teach us to pray. May God increase our faith in Jesus Christ.

You know what? America was my happiest place in the whole world. Seven years I saw God meeting every need and I smile. When I kneel down, I just tell Jesus, please, do it again. I’ve seen Him do it all the time.



I am a happy man. The same happiness that Jesus has given to this man, He can give to you. May God teach us to pray. May He increase your faith.

If you don’t know Jesus like what began in Africa, when I accepted Him, He saved me and made me His child. Then He taught me to trust Him. It is so sweet to trust Him. Do you pray? If your prayer life is so shallow, I want you to join me and let’s pray. I want to get nearer to God. I want to see the hands of God moving around me. If you have a burden, I want you to come to the cross. Every burden, my Savior can take it and lift it up. There is nothing too hard.

And you Christians, maybe you are faithless. May God increase our faith. May we come to Jesus today. Draw near to Him. He will draw near to you. God Bless You.

Owolabi, Bro. Solomon [edited from several versions]

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