Friday, May 31, 2019

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

Happiness in the home depends on having God there, and having the home honor Christ. Only where Christ is Lord can happiness have full place. If we expect to have a little bit of Heaven in our home, then we must have Christ there and His will must be done. - John R. Rice 

Sin brings trouble and heartache. It always has, it always will. - John R. Rice

It is dangerous and foolish for a Christian to marry one who is not saved.  - John R. Rice

Can Christ and Satan both be Lord in the same house? Can you mix Hell in with Heaven, and still make the home happy? When a Christian marries a child of Satan, can one expect their union, the most intimate of all human relationships, to be a happy one? No, no! The marriage of a Christian to an unsaved person is a sin against God, and the certain result is misery and unhappiness. - John R. Rice

It is folly for a Christian to marry one who is unsaved. God plainly commands, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers." - John R. Rice

I feel my responsibility to you young people. I beg you, do not, if you are a Christian, marry an unsaved person. To do so is to sin against God. To do so means certain trouble and heartache. No human quality of character can guarantee a happy home. Human love cannot bring happiness. Only a blessing of God can make the home happy. For your mate choose only one who knows the Lord Jesus and is willing to put Him first in heart and life. - John R. Rice

If you have committed this sin [the sin of a Christian who marries an unsaved person], then beg God to forgive you. You cannot undo your marriage, and you ought not. The Scripture plainly commanded in such places that, "If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away" (1 Cor. 7:12). Divorce is not the remedy for this wrong. Two wrongs do not make a right. ...Your sin is of the past. All you can do now is to beg God to forgive you and to undo as far as possible the wrong and harm that has been wrought by your sin. - John R. Rice

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