Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Their belief was alright but their behavior was not all right. - J.R. Faulkner

If you are idle, be not solitary, If you are solitary, be not idle. - Samuel Johnson

By lingering and looking, David tempted himself. By sending the messengers, he tempted Bathsheba; and by yielding to the flesh, he tempted the Lord. - Warren Wiersbe

God does not allow his children to sin successfully. Charles Spurgeon

Secret sin on earth is open scandal in Heaven. - Unknown

David could rejoice when his infant son died because he knew that one day he would see him again. That was not the case when his son Absalom died many years later. Absalom was a heartbreak to David. When he died, David wept and mourned. Why? David was not sure Absalom was saved. - J. Vernon McGee

Now ladies, if the barn needs a lil paint, by all means go ahead and paint it, while doing so remember, you don't paint to produce beauty, but to enhance the beauty you already have. - Dr. Preson Phillips

The time to deal with eternity is now. - Randy Miller

When God does the searching, He knocks all the brag out. Not one iota of brag is left when one has been searched of God. When He turns His truth into our black hearts, we come out, not bragging about what we are, how good we are, but with a cry for the mercy of God. - Evangelist Fred Brown

When trouble calls on you - call on God. - J.R. Faulkner

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