Saturday, December 08, 2012

Question of the Week: Why isn't the ocean saltier?

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Q: Why isn't the ocean saltier?

A: If the world's oceans have been around for three billion years as evolutionists believe, they should be filled with vastly more salt than the oceans contain today.
Every year rivers, glaciers, underground seepage, and atmospheric and volcanic dust dump large amounts of salts into the oceans. Some 458 million tons of sodium mixes into ocean water each year, but only 122 million tons (27%) is removed by other natural processes.
If seawater originally contained no sodium (salt) and the sodium accumulated at today's rates, then today's ocean saltiness would be reached in only 42 million years—only about 1/70 the three billion years evolutionists propose.
Keep reading to see an example image and learn more.

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