Thursday, October 30, 2008


On October 2, 2008 a small band of intrepid warriors, weary from the daily struggles of life, made their way through the splendors of north Florida, the long winding roads of Georgia, and the treacherous mountains of Tennessee to the Bill Rice Ranch for much needed rest, relaxation, and recharging.

As usual, the ranch did NOT disappoint!On Thursday night, October 2, 2008 after a fantastic meal (the food at the Ranch is utterly delicious) we had our first service. Evangelist Wil Rice IV was the speaker and there was no doubt that he was "prayed up" as he preached out! See Oct. 20th blog for details.

The second speaker that night was Evangelist Rick Flanders. His text was James 5:16-20 and his title was "One Man whose Prayers Can Change"

He reminded us that the Word of God [Dt. 11, 28] when coupled with the man of God [I K. 17] praying in the will of God can change things.

Elijah was such a man. Carmel was such a place [I K. 18]

I. PRAY FOR WISDOM [James 1:5]

1. Wisdom is the principle thing [Pr. 4:7]
2. Wisdom comes from the Word of God [II Tm. 3:15]
3. Wisdom comes by the Spirit of God [Rm. 8]

II. PRAY IN FAITH [James 1:6-8]

1. Lust means "my will" as opposed to God's will [v. 12-14]
2. Lust is a great obstacle to a prayerful life [4:2-3]
3. The lust filled man like all of us owes God everything--- but he isn't going to give God what he owes Him! [4:8]


Pray, "Lord, what can I do to answer my own prayer?"

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