Thursday, April 10, 2008


Someone has already wanted to post a comment because of one of the quotes of the week today. They took offense at me quoting Evangelist Lester Roloff on education. I rejected their comment but would like to explain why. Since this is my blog, when I want to to something (i.e., explain) or NOT do something (i.e., post their comment) I have the means to go along with my will.

Here's why I didn't publish their entire comment:

1. They really didn't comment on the quote itself, but attacked the man who made it. The quote would be true if Groucho Marx had said it. Having attended schools for over 20 years and taught for 13 I think I am somewhat qualified to assess the truth of this particular quote. It may have even been a paraphrase of a former President (1 of the first 5) but since I'm not sure which, and I had the quote by Roloff, and I like Roloff (without agreeing with everything he ever said) I used it. i also quoted Ben Franklin. It doesn't mean I agree with everything he ever said or did. Is their silence on Franklin a tacit approval of his life and words? Then why attack Roloff?

"Education is useless without the Bible. " - Noah Webster

2. They believe they had a bad experience at the Roloff homes. That does not mean everyone did. Many were saved at the homes and many testify they would be in Hell or prison if not for the homes. Many thank God for the homes still. I cannot dispute this person may not have had the best of times there but I am sure it was better than Hell or prison. They criticized the way they were educated at the homes. Again, it may not have been the best for them personally but neither was my experience in the public schools the best for me personally. Big deal. Get over it! Were mistakes made? I am sure they were. Does this person make mistakes on a daily basis? I am sure they do. Roloff had some rough young people to work with and did a far better job than the state run homes by most accounts.

3. They have a hobby horse (I wonder if they are any kin to Mr. PHD?) they apparently ride a lot. Since it was anonymous I have no way of telling if they are one of my regular readers. On the assumption that they aren't a regular I have to ask how did they find my blog? Are they googling Roloff to find any mention of him on the web so they can criticize him? If so, their time could be put to much better use in a more positive manner. If you think Roloff's educational system was bad then why not start your own and do a better job? Or can you only criticize what others try to do? Brother Roloff is dead, you are alive, use your life for the Lord Jesus Christ! It is hard sometimes for individuals in settings where things must be geared for the masses. That's why institutionalized food is generally so bland. You can't please everyone. When I taught I understood my style was not the best for everyone but what can you do in 50 minutes. You do the best you can. People learn differently. I am an auditory learner. Some learn better by sight, some by doing, etc. Unless you can have a one on one teacher you can't make it all to one's preference.

4. It was anonymous. They could say who they are and ask me not to reveal it but that way I could email them and try to understand where they are coming from. I will not be a part of a personal vendetta by an unknown person.

5. It was vague. Much of what they said could be applied to any person or any subject. As an example, they asked, "What good does it do to stand up 300 girls and boys that can recite 35 chapters of the bible and recite all the pledges and recite all the patriotic heavily biased doctrines, if those boys and girls are clueless to Understand what is shoved into them????" Aside from that fact that the Bible will help them as they grow older and are able to understand more and more, isn't it true that any education system has people memorize what they don't fully understand with the hope they will understand later? Also note the inflammatory rhetoric the person used in their quote. The letter was filled with it.

6. I don't agree with everything Roloff did and said. The only One I can agree with everything He says and does is God, I may not understand it all, but I agree with it! I don't agree with everything anybody does or says and that includes myself! We are all sinners and imperfect people.

7. There is the possibility this person had a bad attitude and thus had problems. I don't know that but I do know that as a teacher when a kid already didn't like me for whatever reason he had a harder time learning from me. That this person had some kind of problem is almost a guarantee else why were they there? Again, I can't say with certainty but they didn't leave me the option of communicating with them.
It won't be so bad if you have to miss a few conclaves and conferences and seminars. But don't miss the time alone with Christ and the Word of God. - Evangelist Lester Roloff

There is a sweet loneliness in that precious walk with Christ. Let's not despise it but gladly accept it. - Roloff

Just because you are around a lot of people and traveling the broad road that leads to destruction doesn't mean that you are having a good time. - Roloff

Sometimes God permits the temporary piling to be knocked out from under us that we may wholly rest upon the pillars of Truth. - Roloff

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