Friday, January 19, 2024

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

 The Arminian language about "probation" is unscriptural. The idea that man is not ever really saved while on earth but is simply "on probation," and that any time he may fall in his probation and then be damned, is an unscriptural doctrine. And the terminology itself is not Bible terminology. The Bible never anywhere says that a Christian is on probation. The language is human language because the doctrine is a human philosophy. You see, Arminianism, like hyper-Calvinism, is a human philosophy. - John R. Rice [Predestined for Hell? No!, pg. 27]

Here are two things about God. Don't ever say about Jesus, that He loves but never hates. Don't ever say He rewards righteousness unless you say He punishes sin. "Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above they fellows." If the rest of us were like Jesus, if always we loved righteousness and always hated sin, if always we took sides for the right and against the wrong, then the Lord would give us such power and blessing, too. - John R. Rice

Some people are hypocrites about prayer. They stand on street corners and in synagogues and want people to hear them pray and hear them say, "My, he is lovely in prayer." A pastor once said to me, "If you want somebody to lead in prayer, call on Sister So-and-so. She is very able in prayer." I never called on her. God deliver me from these people who are "able in prayer." I suppose he meant she was very eloquent, using beautiful language.

Watch your temptation. People are listening and you will talk to the people instead of God if you don't watch it. When you pray, don't be a hypocrite; praying to be heard of men. - John R. Rice [Great Lessons from the Sermon on the Mount, pg. 9]

In Mark 13:32, 33, we have Jesus' words as follows, "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is."
Here we are told that "no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son," but only the Father knows when Christ will return! We believe that Christ now, in His exalted and glorious state, knows when He will return. But here I understand Him to claim that while on earth He did not know. If Jesus did not know, it was because He had emptied Himself of the outward evidences and marks of His deity. Certainly it is clear that no man in the world knows or can know when Christ will come and the angels themselves in Heaven do not know. - John R. Rice

You ask, Do you believe in welfare?" Let me say this. I believe in helping people who are sick, in helping orphan children and widows who can't help themselves. But able-bodied people ought not be supported without working. I do not believe that people who can work should be supported by us who do. Maybe you can't get $8.75 an hour. All right, then work for what you can get. I worked many a time for $1.00 a day plus board. And whether you want it that way or not, people ought to work at what they can do and earn their own way. You may not get rich, but learn to get by on what you can and make your own way. - John R. Rice [Ten Commandments, Part Two, pg. 14]

The man who is incapable of saving himself is equally incapable of keeping himself. - John R. Rice [When A Christian Sins, pg. 26]

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