Friday, December 15, 2023

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

You must see that every word in the Bible points to Jesus. You must love Him and trust Him. Do you want to be righteous? Then Jesus keeps the law for you, and He will help you to be righteous. He will put His righteousness within your heart. Trust Him, the perfect One, to meet God's requirements and fulfill the law, for Christ is the answer to the Mosaic law, and "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth." When Jesus said on the cross, "It is finished!" He meant that now you need not circumcise any more boys; that points to circumcision of heart, the new birth. Now you need not offer any more animal sacrifices; the one Sacrifice has now been offered. Now you need not a priesthood anymore, for Jesus Christ, our High Priest, is forever interceding for those who trust Him. - John R. Rice

You can never truly enjoy Christmas until you can look up into the Father's face and tell Him you have received his Christmas gift.

The simple truth is that the Old Testament very clearly foretold ahead of time the coming of the Saviour, and all the Jews knew about the Messiah, which was promised, the Son of Abraham, the Son of David, the suffering Servant of Isaiah 53, the Prophet Moses talked about, the Lamb of God pictured in all the animal sacrifices, the High Priest pictured in the Jewish priesthood, the Light of the world pictured in the golden candlestick in the Tabernacle and temple, the Bread of life pictured by the manna, by the shewbread and by offerings. And when the New Testament speaks of "the Christ," it refers clearly and unmistakably to the Christ or Messiah (Greek and Hebrew terms respectively) pictured in the Old Testament. - John R. Rice [A Coffer of Jewels About the Bible, pg. 37]

I was born the first time December 11, 1895. My mother and father told me so. I was born the second time when I was a lad about nine years old. It was one Sunday in the First Baptist Church at Gainesville, Texas, when I trusted Jesus Christ to forgive my sins and save me. My Heavenly Father tells me so in His Word; He tells me that when I believed in Christ, I then received everlasting life. I have more reason to believe my Heavenly Father than to believe my earthly father; so I know I am born again, am saved. - John R. Rice

You shouldn't tell lies. You say, "What about Santa Claus?" It is certainly wrong to lie about Santa Claus and tell that myth as the truth. Such lying and deception is always a sin, and Christians should not be guilty of it. However, I do not believe that Santa Claus would necessarily be wrong used simply as a symbol of Christmas cheer and giving and happiness, provided one did not mislead children nor help others mislead them. It is possible for Christian people to use Santa Claus as simply a kind of Christmas symbol like we use Christmas trees and holly and greeting cards and turkey dinners. In our own home we spoke about Santa Claus in a symbolic way. All my children from babyhood were taught the simple truth that Santa Claus was simply a mythical character who does not exist. Rather, he represents an idea of Christmas cheer and giving. - John R. Rice [Christmas Now and All the Year, pg. 9]

You who reject Christ will be shut up in Hell forever with the Devil and his angels. It will be their home. Do not ever think that Satan is going to run Hell; he himself will be a prisoner of Hell. And you and he are two of the same kind, the prisoners of Almighty God and the subjects of God's wrath, when you turn down Jesus Christ. - John R. Rice [Sweet Family Ties in Heaven and Hell, pg. 216]

My birthday comes two weeks before Christmas. I remember at four years of age the little Christmas Sunday School lesson in the little country church in Cooke County, Texas. I remember a one-eyed deacon, Brother Finley, taught the card class. He had a little card with a picture and the golden text was, "There was no room for them in the inn." The picture was of a manger and a donkey was standing by and a man was coming down out of a hayloft with a pitchfork of hay and there was Mary upon a bed of hay in the picture. We memorized that golden text. And as they told me about Jesus, I though, "There was no room for Him. Now, that is bad. Why, this world must be awfully wicked." I thought, "My sister and I have a little trundle bed." (It was rolled out at night from under Dad and Mama's bed and the little sides were lifted up and there we slept in that bed. And in the daytime, because we had a small house for a big family, it was folded up and rolled back under the big bed.) "But Jesus had no room." - John R. Rice [The Best News One Ever heard: A Saviour is Born!, pg. 20]

Again you say, "When the Spirit comes into the believer, in fullness, he speaks in a known (Spanish, etc.) language (known to the world but not the believer) and an unknown language, known only to God." Again you are speaking of the theory of man, without any basis of Scripture. And you ought to know enough about me to know that I would never take poor human opinion as contrasted with the Word of God. - John R. Rice [page 518, Dr. Rice, Here Are More Questions...]

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