Friday, June 17, 2022


 If you want to know whether any person is a modernist, ask and insist on an answer to these questions:

1. Is the Bible (as given in original manuscripts) the fully inspired and reliable Word of God?
The modernist says NO; the Bible believer says YES.
2. Is Jesus Christ the virgin-born Son of God, bodily risen from the dead, as the Bible declares?
Modernists says NO; Bible believers says YES.
3. Did Christ's death on the cross atone for sins so that the sinner may, by faith in His shed blood, be saved?
The modernist, the genuine modernist, says NO. The Bible believer says YES.
Some people who have genuinely been converted, born again, have been misled and deceived on some points by these modern infidels, but such deceived people who really love Christ and have trusted in His blood for salvation, are not true modernists in their hearts, I should say.
- John R. Rice [Is Jesus God?, pg. 163-164]

The worst thing wrong with the modernist is his unregenerate, carnal heart which has never been changed by God's miracle of regeneration. The modernist should not be argued with as a brother Christian but he should be preached to as a wicked, Christ-rejecting sinner. What is wrong with the modernist is more with his Christ-rejecting heart than with his mistaught and scornful head. - John R. Rice [Is Jesus God?, pg. 175]

A man who thinks communism is Christian, and Russia a democracy, is a fool! - John R. Rice [Is Jesus God?, pg. 181]

Modernists said there was no Hittite nation, mentioned many times in the Bible but nowhere else in literature. Now many inscriptions have been deciphered which prove the Hittites were a nation rivaling Egypt. A man is an ignoramus, a fool, to bet against the Bible! - John R. Rice [Is Jesus God?, pg. 181]

Modernists are deceived, they come to unintelligent conclusions, they hold untenable positions, they are not trustworthy guides. They are not scholarly, unbiased thinkers. Modernists, in the language of Jesus Christ, are fools, not the wise men they claim to be. - John R. Rice [Is Jesus God?, pg. 182]

Never defer to a modernist as if he were a wise man. However cultured and educated he is, he has a perverted mind and a darkened heart, and cannot understand the truth. He is, in Bible language, a fool, not a wise man. - John R. Rice [Is Jesus God?, pg. 182]

A weak Christian may be pitied, may be lovingly forgiven. The ignorant Christian should have forbearance and help of Christians. A lost sinner who admits he is a lost sinner may be lovingly warned and perhaps won by those who love the Lord Jesus. But the modernist, who is not a Christian in the historical sense, but claims to be; who does not believe the Bible but pretends to preach it; who is an infidel, an unbeliever, but hides it in order to have the honor and support of Christians, can only have scorn reserved for hypocrites! - John R. Rice [Is Jesus God?, pg. 188]

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