Tuesday, October 27, 2020

It is a matter of perspective

After a tragedy people are often heard to say, “Where is God?” Some foolishly charge God with wrongdoing or lack of right doing. I guarantee you that every child of God who died on 9-11, every Christian who died in any war, accident or what have you knows exactly where God is! It is those left behind who ignorantly question what they don’t understand. It is those who in some cases are willingly ignorant that charge God foolishly. Those who know their Bibles know exactly where God is.

The story is told of a little boy playing with blocks. His father was an unbeliever and when the boy went out for a moment the father made the blocks spell out, “God is nowhere” When the little boy came back in a read the blocks he made a space in one of the words changing it into two words. The father saw the change… where it had said, “God is nowhere” it had been changed to “God is now here”. It is a matter of perspective.

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