Saturday, August 22, 2020


 Jesus says [Luke 24:25-27] that one is a fool even to hesitate about believing all the Bible, all that the prophets have spoken! And He speaks here of all of the Old Testament, beginning with the writings of Moses, that is, beginning with Genesis. Of course, what He said here is equally true about the New Testament. However, most of the enemies of the Bible attack first the Old Testament. But Jesus says that any man is a fool who is slow to believe the Bible. - John R. Rice [Twelve Tremendous Themes, pg. 38]

The only reason anybody does not believe the Bible is that he has not honestly investigated it, has not given God's Word a chance to prove itself, as it will prove itself to every sincere, surrendered heart that intelligently investigates it. - John R. Rice [Twelve Tremendous Themes, pg. 38]

Scientists have learned many things in the last century, but they have never yet caught up with the Bible. The Bible is absolutely scientifically accurate. The theory of a scientist may be out of date in ten years, though it be acclaimed from the housetops today. But the Word of God stands forever. "The law of the Lord is perfect" (Ps. 19:7). - John R. Rice [Twelve Tremendous Themes, pg. 40-41]

The power of God is what we need. You cannot explain Billy Sunday with education. You cannot explain Billy Sunday with brains. His sermons were good sermons. Most of them he did not write himself but hired a man to work with him getting material. Then this man helped write out the sermons and Billy Sunday memorized most of them. But even at that, they were not profound. It was not Billy Sunday's brains. It was not education. He had a good personality, but it was not personality. The truth of the matter is, there came a time that when Billy Sunday preached he did not have the crowds, he did not have the power, he did not have people saved. I knew him in those days. What I am saying is that the secret of the great revivals always has been one thing, a supernatural enduement of the power of God on His people. God's people had the power of the Holy Spirit. They were filled with the Holy Ghost. That is the point. I say, that is God's secret for revival. - John R. Rice [The Scarlet Sin, Chapter 11]

There is light for all who want the light. The Bible will prove itself to all who honestly explore its storehouse of wisdom. But people who love their sins and hate the light, will be turned over to a reprobate mind to believe a lie. It is not education that makes infidels and agnostics; but it is sin, the sin of self-will, the sin of pride, the sin of rejecting Christ as Saviour, the sin of deliberately seeking an explanation for the world that will discredit the Bible. Such sin, black-hearted, Christ-rejecting sin, is back of all unbelief in the world. - John R. Rice [Twelve Tremendous Themes, pg. 49]

Let us reverently acknowledge that the Bible is the perfect Word of God, infallible in science or history as well as religion, and that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable" (II Tim. 3:16). - John R. Rice [Twelve Tremendous Themes, pg. 49]

"Christian Science," so-called, is like the guinea pig which is neither pig nor guinea; or like grapenuts which contain neither grapes nor nuts; it is neither Christian nor scientific. Unwilling to accept the fact of sin, "Christian Science" sees no need of the atoning blood and denies it. Since it says there is no reality to sin, it thinks also there is no reality to Hell and judgment. - John R. Rice [Twelve Tremendous Themes, pg. 53-54]

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