Friday, April 05, 2019

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

"CHOOSE YOU THIS DAY" Tomorrow you may be dead and in Hell, or unbalanced in mind and not capable of a decision, or enslaved in sin, or enamored of evil companions. - John R. Rice

"CHOOSE YOU THIS DAY" You may grieve God's Spirit until He no longer pleads and warns. Your heart may become hardened (Heb. 4:7). - John R. Rice

You better turn to God while He may be found (Eccles. 12:1), before you get enslaved by sin, before you get occupied with other things, before you get tied up with earthly matters. Are you tired of preachers? What if God gets tired of your excuses and your delays? - John R. Rice

He [Jesus] did not come to raise the status of womanhood, to do away with slavery, to enhance art and literature, to bring political freedom, to inspire benevolent care, or to influence education; all these are by-products of Christianity. He came to save sinners [Luke 19:10]. - John R. Rice

Lawyers customarily feel that lying is a proper part of the practice of their profession, though I am sure there are honorable lawyers who hate a lie. The general public has the attitude of the Irishman who saw a tombstone that read, "Here lies a lawyer and an honest man." He exclaimed in astonishment, "Begorra, here are two men buried in the same grave!" - John R. Rice

There are three syllables in the word "selfishness." Take the first letter of each syllable and you spell S-I-N. The center letter of SIN is I. Sin is my way instead of God's way. That is the trouble with every sinner in the world. You wicked rebel against the God who has given you every breath! You ingrate who does not thank God who has given you every bite of food, who has kept your heart beating- the One to whom you owe everything! - John R. Rice 

Once I tried to decide whether the story of the prodigal son was intended to picture sinners coming for salvation or to picture a backslider coming back to fellowship. I concluded that this pictures any heart out of fellowship with God.
Poor backslider, the Father loves you. We have the sweet promise of forgiveness (I John 1:9). But my principal appeal is to poor lost sinners. The moment you put your trust in Christ, God will put on you the white robe of Christ's righteousness and you will be God's child. - John R. Rice

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