Friday, August 10, 2018

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

Quotes from the late John R. Rice- Evangelist, pastor, editor, author and Christian leader taken from his writings for the most part. For daily quotes complete with where they came from go to:

Just as certain as you run with the Devil's crowd. you will suffer for it. You will suffer more by running with the Devil's crowd. Yes, you will! - John R. Rice 

Somebody says, "There is so much to give up if I come out and out for Jesus." It is nothing like what you will have to give up if you don't! - John R. Rice

Somebody says, "Brother Rice, it costs something to be a Christian." It costs more to serve the Devil and take the Devil's wages, for the wages of sin is death. - John R. Rice

My friends, bad company will cost you more than anything can cost you for running with Jesus. Oh, the danger of bad company! I hope you will teach your children the danger of bad company. I never get tired of telling you. Bad Company! Bad company!
If your boy plays with a little boy who uses bad language, teach your child to stay away from him or others who use bad language, who smoke, drink beer, talk about the preacher, and are against the Bible. Shun them. Brother... you are in as much danger as your boy, and I am as in much danger as my little girls. Nobody is safe. Peter was not safe - that iron apostle, the rock, Simon Peter. He was not safe when in bad company. - John R. Rice

When you run with bad company, there is a traitor in your own breast that will lead you to your ruin. I beg you, don't run with the Devil's crowd.Have no part with them. If you do, the first thing you know, something wicked inside will find friends there and you will learn to enjoy it. No man can run with the Devil's crowd without betraying Jesus Christ. No man can find pleasure with the Devil's crowd without betraying the Lord Jesus Christ. There is a sinner inside the gate that will betray you - your won inbred sin. - John R. Rice 

A new convert often says, "I know what my temptation is going to be - the crowd I run with." I will tell you how to face that. Tell them, "I have found Jesus." Go with the light of Heaven on your face and make a beeline to the hardest one and say, "I have been saved, and I want you to come and take Jesus as your Saviour." Take the Bible with you out there and tell them of the love of God. And the next time you are out, testify for Jesus Christ and say, "I am looking for you Sunday night. I want you to be on the front seat to hear my preacher." - John R. Rice 

Take your Bible with you every time you go, and talk about the Bible, and you will have no trouble with bad company. They will give you up, Brother, if you get red-hot for Jesus Christ. They will either leave you alone or come with you to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. - John R. Rice 

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