Friday, August 03, 2018

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

Quotes from the late John R. Rice- Evangelist, pastor, editor, author and Christian leader taken from his writings for the most part. For daily quotes complete with where they came from go to:

You remember the Syrophenician woman, that Canaanite woman who came pleading to Jesus in Matthew 22, crying out, "Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil." Note that she said, "Have mercy on ME." Pain and grief and concern which her daughter should have had for herself, the mother had. How she pleaded so fervently, and God wonderfully healed the devil-possessed daughter! So every mother ought to make up the hedge and stand in the gap for a daughter and son. - John R. Rice

Every Christian should set out to learn the Bible, to love it, to feed on it every day, to get the divine viewpoint and to absorb the divine attitude of heart, by daily searching and meditating in the Word of God. - John R. Rice

No honest reader can contemplate the way the Lord Jesus, nearly every time He preached, referred again and again to the fires of Hell and the torments of everlasting damnation, without being impressed with the horrible state of lost sinners without Christ.
No one can feel as Christ feels about sinners until he knows what Christ says about their doom. - John R. Rice

My friends, do not neglect the Word of God. Sin will keep you from the Bible or the Bible will keep you from sin. The man who goes on in sin and enjoys sin and holds on to it, will have no taste for this Book. - John R. Rice 

There is something bad wrong with the Christian when the Bible is dry to him, when he takes this Holy Book, this Book written by the Holy Spirit, words of God written by men, and reads about redemption, about salvation, about God's love and the romance of creation and a thousand mysteries and glories of the world to come; and it is dry to you! Brother, you have been doing something you oughtn't to do. Something is wrong in your life or that Book would be sweet, fresh, fascinating and lovely beyond compare. You get this! The Word of God is a safeguard against sin. - John R. Rice

This thing I praise God for. he is a wonderful Saviour. He put Himself in my place and met the Devil and said, "I will not use a single weapon but what John Rice can use, too." When Satan said, "Take these rocks and make bread," Jesus said, "In the first place, John Rice could not make bread out of rock and I am not going to either. In the second place, I cannot give way to the Devil, even about bread. I have to whip him the same way John Rice can whip him." So Jesus said, "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord shall man live." And Jesus said, "If the Devil ever bothers John Rice about something to eat, John Rice can use the same Scripture." - John R. Rice

I frankly admit to you sometimes if you are close enough to Jesus you will suffer for it. You had as well face that. - John R. Rice

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