Thursday, March 11, 2010


Can I give you a prescription for misery? ... if you want to be miserable just be self-centered. You always find that the self-centered person is a miserable person. A person who is always thinking of himself, or herself, thinking of numero uno if you please is a selfish miserable person. Those individuals who don't see any further than the end of their own nose.They see nothing more than "us four- no more"- and they don't have the joy that God has for those who have a vision of a lost and a dying world and are reaching out beyond themselves. Look beyond yourself! - Dr. Roy Ackerle, Veteran Missionary, 6-29-1986 at Highland Park Baptist Church, Chattanooga, TN

God owes us nothing. We owe God everything. - David Bragg, Pastor, Lakewood Baptist Church, Harrison, TN

God's grace is nothing less than amazing. - Bragg

When you gripe and complain- you're not grateful! - Bragg

When I'm in sin the Bible brings Conviction [II Tm. 3:16]
When I'm in sorrow the Bible brings Consolation [I Th. 4:13-18]
When I'm in a storm the Bible brings Calm [Psalm 23]
When I'm in stagnation the Bible brings a Challenge [I Cor. 15:58]
- Dr. Bradley Price, 7-12-1987

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