Monday, October 09, 2017


MATTHEW 13:24-58                                                                                        

THAT’S MY KING                                             

Pastor Rick Jackson

I. THE WHEAT AND THE TARES [v.24-30, 36-43]

1. The Sower & the Seed [v. 24, 36-37, 3-4 cp. w/Luke 8:11]

2. The Devil’s Counterfeits [v. 25-28a, 38-39a]

3. The End of the Age [v. 28b-30, 39b-43] – not the Rapture, end of the Tribulation before the Millennium

II. MORE ON THE MIXTURE [v. 31-33, 47-50]

1. The Birds [v. 31-32]

2. The Bread [v. 33]

3. The Bad Fish [v. 47-50]

III. GOD AT WORK [v. 34-35, 44-46, 51-58]

1. The Book [v. 34-35, Ps. 78:2]

2. Two Parables One Meaning [v. 44-46]

3. New and Old [v. 51-52]

4. Limiting God [v. 53-58]

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