Saturday, August 17, 2013

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: If Jesus is God, why was it a secret?

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August 17, 2013

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Q: If Jesus is God, why was it a secret?

A: Some claim that Jesus did not think He was Messiah, the Son of God. Others question why Jesus often commanded people not to tell others about His true identity.
When we step back and look at the gospel message in its entirety, we discover that Jesus had absolutely no intention of stifling His nature or His ultimate message. Jesus confronted many people with the truth of His mission and invited them to come to Him in repentance and faith. He carefully presented His identity to make the most of the growing opposition against Him by the religious elite. At the right time, this animosity would crystalize in the death of Jesus as He bore our sin on the Cross.
What some call the "Messianic Secret" of Jesus was really no secret at all. Rather, it was the loving action of our God incarnate, wisely extending the impact and reach of His earthly ministry. We see a generous God delicately doing things at the right time for maximum impact.
Read the whole article to consider how untimely Messianic expectations contributed to people's confusion, and how Jesus fully accomplished everything God the Father expected of Him.

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Get EquippedThe Real Jesus Combo DVD Set
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After Eden

After Eden

Answers . . . with Ken Ham radio program

Answers Conversation podcast

This week Steve Ham leads a panel discussion of the new film Evolution vs. God. Recorded at the recent Mega Conference, the panel consists of Ray Comfort, Todd Friel, and Ken Ham.
With some fun thrown in along the way, this behind-the-scenes conversation discusses the movie's interviews with college students and professors on secular college campuses regarding their reasons for believing in evolution.

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Thank God for the signing of a formal construction contract for the building of the Ark Encounter.

Please pray for design team as they plan the many exhibits that will go inside the Ark and on the grounds.


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Answers Weekly Evolution vs. God
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