Friday, July 06, 2012


Prophecy Today Devotions  
July 6, 2012  

Jimmy DeYoung
Thank you for reading my Prophetic Daily Devotionals! 

 Please visit my website to learn more Bible prophecies being fulfilled in these last days. 


Job 38:7


When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?


For further study - Job 38:1-7


The 38th chapter of Job comes at a time in the life of Job when he is very depressed and considering the suggestions of his so called friends to just curse God and die. The Lord comes to Job and confronts him with a number of questions about his creation... when the Lord had brought the heavens and earth into place and everything else in creation into existence.


Notice verse 4 with verse 7. The question is, "Job where were you when I created the earth.....when the morning stars and the sons of God shouted for joy". This question gives us the time of the creation of angels, described here as the "sons of God", Job 1:6 and 2:1, and the "morning stars".


God brought forth angels on the "first day of creation" after the time He created the heavens, and before He created the earth, Genesis 1:1. I say that because God created all things in the 6 - 24 hour days of creation, Exodus 20:11. Job 38:4 and 7 says when the earth was created the angels shouted for joy. The "angels" had to be there at that time.


The subject of angels, both good and bad angels, has a close connection to Bible prophecy, both in the first coming of Jesus Christ, and the Second Coming. In fact, the most used word in the book of Revelation, other than "and, the, etc.", is "angel" or its plural, "angels", used 81 times.


An "angel" delivers the message of "Revelation" to the Apostle John who recorded its prophecies for us to read, Revelation 1. The "letters" to the Seven Churches, Revelation 2 and 3, are presented to the "Angels" of the Churches. Angels deliver all of the seven "Trumpet Judgments", Revelation 8, 9 and 11,and all of the "Vial Judgments", Revelation 16.


Angels are our fellow servants, Revelation 19:10 and 22:9. Angels will accompany Jesus Christ as He returns to the earth at His Second Coming, Matthew 24:31. Angels are real and will play key rolls in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the period leading up to the Lord's return.


This angelic activity includes both good and bad angels. (see my study on "Angels" for much more information on "angels") As at the 1st coming of His 2nd coming "angels", both good and evil, will participate. I'm convinced that even now angels are preparing for their role in the soon coming of Jesus Christ, which could be today.



PRAYER THOT: Thank you Lord for the "protection" that Angels provide for me and for the reality of their "partnership" with me in ministry, as well.

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