Friday, September 15, 2006


They'rrrreeee Baaaaack! Those devious dinosaurs. We have two on our property. I really didn't realize it until about a year ago. Karlo pointed them out to me. Karlo Vuckovic escaped from Croatia back when that's the only way you could get out. He got a bullet in the leg for his efforts. The Lord expedited his travel to the United States though at the time Karlo didn't know it... or Him. Later, here in the States. Karlo learned that Jesus, God in the flesh, had died for Him, taking his place and paying his sin debt (and ours too) and then that He rose from the dead three days later proving He was who He said He was (God) and that He did what He came to do (make the payment for our sins). Karlo put his faith in the risen Christ, the Jewish Messiah, the Creator of the world and became a new creature. But God wasn't finished with Karlo. Like all of us who know Him, the Holy Spirit wanted Karlo to be a witness and so Karlo became a witness. Being multilingual (he speaks, at the very least, Croation, Serbian, German, English, French, Italian and as Karlo puts it "Rooskie") Karlo has been able to witness to quite a few nationalities over the years.

Is he a missionary? Yes and no! He's a house painter (and jack of all trades) but he also is a missionary (as all Christians should be). He doesn't raise support, nor is he under a board, so technically he is not a missionary in the conventional sense but this has allowed him access to where missionaries (God bless them) cannot always go.So Karlo was painting our house at the end of last year (and trimming trees, putting in windows, put down a new floor, fixed a dent in my truck, etc.) when he said, "Where are dinosaurs?"
"Yes, dinosaurs. Very tricky."
I finally realized he meant our dogs. I told him while big (95 and 65 pounds) they weren't that big. That the dog I used to have, Greystoke, was 150 pounds but people called him a horse, not a dinosaur. Karlo was undeterred. From then on, every day it was the same question or a variation thereof, "Where dinosaurs?"

It wasn't until I watched Jurassic Park again (very entertaining but hardly scientific-see AIG link for more details) that I realized what he meant. Raptors! Not that big (as compared to T-Rex or others) but very canny, very devious. Very much my dogs. One will distract you while the other... well, you get the picture. Karlo did and was able to work for weeks (months?) without a bite. Wise man. Devious dinosaurs. Beware!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You were right. That was a fun entry. Karlo is a dear man, and always lends an interesting factor to any story.

-Your Half-pint
