Thursday, September 21, 2006


Nobody told me this was Rick Jackson's week to be yelled at by angry ignorance. If they had I might have stayed home.

Scenario #1- I was going to a local bank and saw a pull-in parking spot open to the left of a Grand Marquis. As I started to pull in the driver of the car started to back out... at an angle! I had to honk or he would have backed right into me. Fortunately he stopped in time. Then he turned to me angrily motioning furiously with his left fist with thumb extended for me to back out of his way. I am not sure why he was mad at me. I had the right of way and I just saved him a repair bill and a possible ticket for his carelessness. Was he ignorant of the situation or arrogant enough to think the rules of driving didn't apply to him? I don't know but if his wife figured out it was his fault I am sure he got an earful after he drove off in a huff! I am not sure what he was mouthing at me but I'm sure I was better off not hearing it!

Scenario #2- Several days later I am driving on a side street towards the light when a person comes off the main road but taking up my lane! Then the woman driver proceeds to yell at me! Fortunately her windows and mine were up so once again I can only guess at what she was saying. I chose not to guess. I did figure out her problem. Until about a month ago that road had been designated "One Way", a rather short experiment the city had ended. The fact that it had been changed back was in the local paper and all the "One Way" signs had been removed. The road was painted for two-way traffic and I was once again clearly in the right (literally this time) but had inspired the anger of the obviously ignorant. I was right, they were wrong, and yet they were mad at me. I wasn't even mad at them. Somewhat bemused and slightly annoyed but not mad.

In the grand scheme of things these two incidents don't amount to much but what of a similar scenario? What about when people get mad at God for something that is not His fault? All the trouble in the world is due to man and man's sins. Even the weather (hurricanes, etc.) is due to the sin principle working on the Creation since Adam's fall. I have known people to smoke all their lives and then get mad at God because they get cancer. Or those who drink blame God for accidents they are in due to their sin. Even when death takes a loved one they are angry at God. Death is a result of sin (Rm. 6:23) and God doesn't sin, He doesn't even tempt man to sin (James 1:13). God has paid for sin in the person of Christ and has even offered man eternal life if he would call upon the Name of the risen Lord Jesus Christ. Don't be angry in ignorance. Trust the only truly Righteous One.

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