Thursday, June 01, 2023


 God's law, such as "The soul that sinneth, it shall die," is just as true about ten men as it is about one man; just as true about a whole city of men as one man; just as true about a nation of men as about one man. Sin brings death, ruin, failure. "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" is just as true of a nation as an individual. - John R. Rice [Ten Messages That Changed Ten Thousand Lives, pg. 35]

It is clear, from many, many cases in the Bible, that nations are punished for their sins. And God is going to hold America accountable for her sins. We, as a nation, are heading on toward judgment, and it is time for repentance, time for Christians to take stock of themselves to see what they can do and what they ought to do to stop the judgment of God. - John R. Rice [Ten Messages That Changed Ten Thousand Lives, pg. 35]

I wish I could go into detail about France, how she got into a bloody revolution. We talk about communism as if that were so bad. But communism and socialism are about the same. The New Deal socialism in America is Karl Marx' teaching, just like communism of Russia is Karl Marx' teaching. It is godless, it is atheistic, it is against government, against Christianity, against American free enterprise. - John R. Rice [Ten Messages That Changed Ten Thousand Lives, pg. 44-45]

Darwinism came along. It had hard sledding in America and in England for awhile, but Germany swallowed it whole. The schools there began to take it up. The Bible, they said, may contain the Word of God, but it is not the Word of God. They said Jesus was a good man but not Deity. They said Jesus may have represented God in some form but He was not virgin-born. They said Jesus' spirit may have rose from the dead, but there was no bodily resurrection. But bodily resurrection is the only kind of resurrection there is! It is only the body that was buried. There could be no resurrection but a bodily resurrection. If anyone talks to you about a so-called spiritual resurrection of Jesus or people, that one is either a common and deliberate deceiver, or he is an ignorant fool. The only kind of resurrection the Bible knows is that the body of Jesus Christ came out of Joseph's tomb, because it was the body that was buried. - John R. Rice [Ten Messages That Changed Ten Thousand Lives, pg. 45-46]

A woman came to Dr. R. A. Torrey and said, "Dr. Torrey, God has called me to preach."
Dr. Torrey said, "Is that so? I thought you were married."
"I am. I have a husband and eight children."
He said, "Well, that is wonderful. He has not only called you to preach, He has given you a congregation. Now go home and get to work to win your congregation."
You have a crowd. In God's name win those you are accountable for. We can't win everybody, but we ought to be able to win our own. - John R. Rice [Ten Messages That Changed Ten Thousand Lives, pg. 66]

One young preacher who had spent some time in a Christian college and who had had two years in a seminary, told me, "I want to be a teaching pastor. I do not want to have too large a church because I would have too many people to visit. I would like a church just big enough to pay me well. I want to be a teaching pastor and spend most of my time in the study. I enjoy my books. I do not feel called to evangelism."
I told him what I tell you" "There is nothing wrong with you that a good old-fashioned revival won't fix. If you would get over your backsliding and get right with God, that would fix your conception of the ministry." - John R. Rice [Ten Messages That Changed Ten Thousand Lives, pg. 72-73]

You are to be a soul winner. If you are not a soul winner, you are not a good Christian but a backslider, disobedient, and you are not fulfilling the Great Commission. Your life is on the wrong track. You have left God's blueprint. You are not in God's plan. You are out of the will of God. If you are not a soul winner you are a rebel. - John R. Rice [Ten Messages That Changed Ten Thousand Lives, pg. 83]

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