Friday, November 20, 2020

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

 I do not recommend that churches open their doors to take anybody whether they are scripturally baptized or not. That scriptural requirement is proper and right, but I do not mean that it shuts out from love and fellowship, in the Christian sense, all those who are born again but not in the same local church. - John R. Rice [I Am A Fundamentalist, pg. 97]

There are boundaries that are inevitable and sometimes necessary and right between me and many other Christians. I cannot join with Dr. Billy Graham when he has a Bishop Pike on his platform or when he has Bishop Kennedy as his chairman of his campaign, or when his campaign is under the auspices of the modernistic Protestant Council of New York City. I cannot join with him when he sends the inquirers back to Catholic churches to pray to Mary and confess to a priest and go to mass. I am saying that there are barriers which I do not think I ought to cross. But I ought to love Billy Graham. He is born again. He believes the Gospel and preaches it. Perhaps he doesn't preach as strong on Hell and judgment as I think he should. He is not as plainly against modernism as I think he ought to be. But then he would doubtless find things wrong with me, too. So I love Billy Graham. I prayed for him day by day for many a year. I rejoiced in his campaign in Korea recently when multiplied tens of thousands heard him. He is God's man. I believe he is saved and going to Heaven, and I love him. - John R. Rice [I Am A Fundamentalist, pg. 106]

We are commanded, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15). If "go" is not the biggest word in the Great Commission, it is certainly the basic one. Nobody ever catches fish without going fishing. Nobody raises a crop unless he goes out to the field. - John R. Rice [I Am A Fundamentalist, pg. 114]

One never has to sell out the Gospel in order to get people to hear it. People never have to betray Christ and His great standards in order to get more people saved. It is never right to do wrong in order to get to do good. The Bible plan is still right that Christians should not yoke up with unbelievers. - John R. Rice [I Am A Fundamentalist, pg. 146]

Our Christianity ought to show. If one is a Christian, he ought to be different than others. A Christian ought to smell like a Christian instead of like a tobacco barn. A Christian ought to talk like a Christian instead of having a dirty, foul tongue. And a Christian certainly ought to dress like a Christian if there is a difference between the Devil's crowd and the Lord's crowd. - John R. Rice [I Am A Fundamentalist, pg. 181]

Sometimes people are urged to relax everything, loose everything and let the Holy Spirit speak through them. They are told that then the Holy Spirit will speak through them. They are told that then the Holy Spirit will speak through their mouth a heavenly language that they do not understand. But that is NOT what happened at Pentecost and that is not what the Bible teaches Christians should do. Anyone who turns himself over to a spirit may be submitting to an evil spirit. We are plainly commanded to "try the spirits" (I John 4:1). If the result is confusion, it is not of God. God brings understanding and order. - John R. Rice [I Am A Fundamentalist, pg. 196]

Today we have people who seek some outward show instead of inward power. Today we have people (unlike Paul) who would rather speak ten thousand words in an unknown tongue than five words with the understanding! They, perhaps unconsciously, seek the praise of men rather than the power of God. Well, that is not surprising for there were the same kind of weak, superficial and mistaken Christians in Bible times as there are now. Nearly every kind of heresy of modern times was first exhibited in the churches mentioned in the New Testament. - John R. Rice [I Am A Fundamentalist, pg. 204]

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