Friday, December 06, 2019

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

Notice now, Felix trembled and said, "Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee." Why did Felix go to Hell? He heard one of the greatest preachers that ever lived. He heard a man who was anointed of God and who won hundreds of thousands around the Roman Empire. He heard the man whom God had sent to preach and who wrote fourteen books of the New Testament. Yet he wasn't saved. He will never have another chance like this, will he? Why wasn't he saved? Well, he put it off. He said, "Go thy way for this time." They were famous last words. "Another time, a more convenient time." A more convenient time never comes! The Devil will see to that. - John R. Rice [Sweet Family Ties in Heaven and Hell, pg. 189]

Every lost man has a wicked heart and that heart won't be changed tomorrow without Jesus. There is something in him that is still tough and mean. There is something in there which still doesn't want to give up its own way; and so a convenient time never comes.
If you don't say, "By God's grace I am going to repent and turn to Christ NOW because I ought to, because it is right, because it is the only safe way, the right way, it is the only way to be sure," you are not going to get saved. - John R. Rice [Sweet Family Ties in Heaven and Hell, pg. 189]

Yes, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. And the road of by-and-by leads to the town of never. So people who put off salvation usually do not get it. - John R. Rice [Sweet Family Ties in Heaven and Hell, pg. 190]

The old, old story: "I am going to get saved some day when I marry, when I settle down, when I have made the money, when I get my fill of sin, when I get tired of drinking. I am going to be saved some day." No, you won't! No, you won't! Your heart will get harder. Sin will get tighter reins on you. Your habits will set more. Your mind will be more hardened in sin. No, you won't. If you are going to get saved, do it now. Today is the day of salvation. Felix went to Hell primarily because he said, "Not now, Paul. You go your way for this time. A more convenient time I will get saved." But he didn't, and you won't either. Most likely you won't do it unless you do it now. I hope you will. - John R. Rice [Sweet Family Ties in Heaven and Hell, pg. 194-195]

Remember this: The Holy Spirit IN a Christian is one ministry of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit ON a Christian for soul-winning power is another ministry of the Holy Spirit. Every Christian has the Holy Spirit in him. But the pouring out of the Holy Ghost upon a Christian is the anointing of that Christian for service. The Lord said in Joel 2:28, "I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring." The Holy Spirit ON a Christian is anointing for service. - John R. Rice [Sweet Family Ties in Heaven and Hell, pg. 199]

Somebody says, "Oh, our preacher is not much good." Well, why don't you make him over? How? Have God pour out upon him the Holy Spirit from Heaven. Your praying can do that--not just the preacher's praying. - John R. Rice [Sweet Family Ties in Heaven and Hell, pg. 199-200]

There is a Hell! That is part of the teaching of Jesus Christ, I repeat. That is part of the Gospel. That is an integral part of Christianity. You cannot have Christianity without a Bible Hell. It is not Christianity, but a pagan religion, it is heathendom, unless it has a Bible doctrine of sin and punishment in it. And so we ought to believe what Jesus Christ said about it. I have no patience and no time for anybody who does not accept what Jesus Christ said about anything. If you will not accept what Jesus Christ said, you are not a Christian. You are a heathen. You are a pagan. You are a Christ-rejecting sinner! - John R. Rice [Sweet Family Ties in Heaven and Hell, pg. 211-212]

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