Saturday, September 21, 2019

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

Can you be a secret disciple? Yes, but it is a sorry business, a cowardly way. Joseph of Arimathea was a disciple of Jesus but secretly for fear of the Jews. What a sorry kind of Christian, a very unhappy kind of Christian. - John R. Rice

The world never burned a casual Christian at the stake. - John R. Rice

The best way to get rid of criminals is to stop raising them. - John R. Rice

When boiled down to its essence, unforgiveness is hatred. - John R. Rice

Any pleasure that would keep you from Christ is a sinful pleasure that will doubtless cause you anguish, heartache, tears and remorse. - John R. Rice

It is a sad and shocking fact that many religious people are in Hell. - John R. Rice

After studying the Scriptures which prove the imminence of Christ's coming, it becomes evident that the saints must be called out of the world before the great tribulation. In order that the rapture may be the great surprise which is foretold in the Scripture, then the rapture of the saints must be the next event prophesied in the Bible. It must come before the battle of Armageddon, come before the reign of the man of sin, or the great tribulation time. The thing that every Christian should watch for next is not the appearing of the Antichrist, not the restoration of the Roman Empire, not the mark of the Beast, not the great tribulation, not the last great war and the battle of Armageddon, and not the reign of Christ at Jerusalem; but the coming of Christ for His saints. - John R. Rice

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