Monday, September 30, 2019
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Friday, September 27, 2019
John R. Rice Quotes of the Week
Do you know how to tell whether you are backslidden or not? You find out whether you take the same joy in secret prayer as you used to. Then do you like to testify? Have you always got something good to say about Jesus? Do you love to brag on Him? If you don't, you are backslidden. And so you need to be open and out and out for Jesus. I don't want anyone to mistake it. I want to tell it, I want to claim Jesus openly. - John R. Rice
No Scripture ever contradicts another Scripture, if it be rightly interpreted. - John R. Rice
It is only fair to remind you what is everywhere apparent in the Bible, not all who say, "Lord, Lord," are saved, as Jesus Himself plainly tells us in Matthew 7:21-23. Not all who believe the Bible are saved, for we are plainly told that "the devils also believe and tremble." So, acceptance of a fact mentally is not saving faith, and, of course, no one pretends that it is. - John R. Rice
If you think of faith as simply believing certain doctrinal facts, then, of course, you have missed the whole point. A fervent trust in Christ, a reliance on Christ to do what He promised to do, is faith. Mental acceptance of certain doctrines is not faith in the sense of John 3:16, and all the other blessed promises of salvation by faith. - John R. Rice
To mention the name of God or of Christ without either sincerely honoring Him or without earnestly calling upon Him in reverent prayer is taking the name of God in vain. - John R. Rice
No one is safe on Bible doctrine unless he is willing to take at honest face value every clear-cut repeated statement of the Bible. - John R. Rice
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Monday, September 23, 2019
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Saturday, September 21, 2019
John R. Rice Quotes of the Week
The world never burned a casual Christian at the stake. - John R. Rice
The best way to get rid of criminals is to stop raising them. - John R. Rice
When boiled down to its essence, unforgiveness is hatred. - John R. Rice
Any pleasure that would keep you from Christ is a sinful pleasure that will doubtless cause you anguish, heartache, tears and remorse. - John R. Rice
It is a sad and shocking fact that many religious people are in Hell. - John R. Rice
After studying the Scriptures which prove the imminence of Christ's coming, it becomes evident that the saints must be called out of the world before the great tribulation. In order that the rapture may be the great surprise which is foretold in the Scripture, then the rapture of the saints must be the next event prophesied in the Bible. It must come before the battle of Armageddon, come before the reign of the man of sin, or the great tribulation time. The thing that every Christian should watch for next is not the appearing of the Antichrist, not the restoration of the Roman Empire, not the mark of the Beast, not the great tribulation, not the last great war and the battle of Armageddon, and not the reign of Christ at Jerusalem; but the coming of Christ for His saints. - John R. Rice
Monday, September 16, 2019
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Friday, September 13, 2019
John R. Rice Quotes of the Week
I confess that I seek no friendship of hypocrites who pretend to love the Lord Jesus, pretend to be Christians, and then deny every fundamental of the Christian Faith, and stab Christ in the back and try to wreck the faith of the young and innocent and ignorant. I say frankly that I am trying to be true to Christ; I am not especially striving for what you call "human civility." If I talk as the Lord Jesus talked about His detractors and deniers, it will not appear polite. If I pronounce the anathema that Paul pronounced on those untrue to Christ, I will not appear civil. If I follow the plain instructions (inspired of God) of the beloved Apostle John, I will not please infidels in the church, who want the friendship and the money of honest Christians while they deny the deity of Jesus Christ. - John R. Rice
You demand to be free from the letter of the Scriptures, but actually what you think is freedom is bondage. How could there be any freedom when you are enslaved to your own will, enslaved to the opinions of men--poor, human, fallible creatures like yourself? No, the Lord Jesus taught that the only true freedom is under divine authority, the authority of God in Christ and in the divinely inspired Bible. - John R. Rice
There is not a single contradiction in the Bible. No one has to break a single command of God in order to keep other commands. - John R. Rice
People who do not believe the Bible ought not try to quote the Bible to try to prove their sinful plans and ideas. - John R. Rice
Rose again! That is part of the saving Gospel! The only Saviour who could do anybody any good would be a risen Saviour. A dead Saviour couldn't save you. And nobody is saved who doesn't believe that Jesus died and that He rose again and He took the sinner's place. - John R. Rice
You don't have to know all the theology but you have to depend on the Saviour. You don't have to know all a doctor has to know but you have to risk the doctor.Jesus is the one. He is the risen Saviour. - John R. Rice
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Monday, September 09, 2019
Sunday, September 08, 2019
Saturday, September 07, 2019
QUESTION OF THE WEEK: How old is the earth? 🌎
Subject: How old is the earth? 🌎