Friday, March 08, 2019

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

It is not enough to know the Bible; the Pharisees knew it but didn't follow it. - John R. Rice

 It is not enough to know the Bible; the Pharisees knew it but didn't follow it. - John R. Rice

Self-will is the greatest single obstacle to understanding of the Word of God (John 3:19-21; 7:17). The whole heather world lost the knowledge of God that all the race once had because they were not willing to follow the light that they had (Rom. 1:18-32). We ought to have an eagerness to go anywhere, do anything, leave anything that the Bible commands us to. - John R. Rice

A Christian can be a good Christian only in proportion as he comes to know and love and follow, from his heart and not only from his head, the blessed Word of God. - John R. Rice

There is a blessed promise of certain and complete prosperity to everyone who meditates day and night and delights in the Word of God. - John R. Rice

I am shocked to find that most Christians have never even one time read the Bible through! How can they hope to have the power of God? In the name of Jesus Christ, who so loved the Scriptures and commands us to live by every word of them, I charge you to begin this very day to live in the Word of God, to meditate in the Scriptures day and night, to follow them any way they lead you, at any cost in the world, to make them your joy and delight forever! - John R. Rice

God is able! He is abundantly able! He is exceeding abundantly able! He is exceeding abundantly able above all that we ask or think! So declares the infallible Word of God! - John R. Rice

Christ's suffering went beyond what we can even think. So forgiveness and salvation are easier to receive than any of us are willing to believe. - John R. Rice

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