Friday, February 22, 2019

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

Man has become not the inmate of Eden but the apprentice for Hell. - John R. Rice

All the Bible is the Word of God. But part of the Bible is divinely recorded history; part of it is law; part of it is poetry; part of it exhortations to Christian living, etc. There are many elements in God's Word and all of them together are the infallible, verbally inspired Word of God.
But there is a certain part of the Word of God which is called the Gospel--the good news about salvation. Paul describes this Gospel, the very cream and heart of all the Word of God. This is a Gospel direct from God, God's own statement of the only basis by which man can be saved. - John R. Rice

The Gospel is a Gospel of a resurrected Christ (Rev. 1:18). He rose for our justification (Rom. 4:24, 25). Jesus could picture a lamb in His death, but not picture the high priest until He rose again. Our eternal security is made certain because He lives (Heb. 7:25). - John R. Rice

Many blessings hinge on the resurrection: we can have our prayers answered because Jesus is alive and hears; we can have the Holy Spirit poured out upon us because Christ sends Him (Acts 2:32, 33); we can have resurrection bodies because He is the first fruits of them that slept; and the resurrection of Christ makes possible His future coming and reign on the earth, when we shall reign with Him. - John R. Rice

The stairway to Heaven is Jesus Christ Himself (John 14:2-7; Acts 2:36; I John 5:11-13). Jesus is the only way; He is not just part of the way, He is the whole way. One who has Jesus has already received everlasting life, has already a title deed to a place in Heaven, has already passed from death to life! - John R. Rice

I once held revival services in a small town in north Texas and preached on this subject ["be ye not unequally yoked"]. The next day a woman who was not present at the preceding service chided me saying, "I know what you preached last night and I don't believe it." She had married an unsaved man. However, when I read II Cor. 6:14 to her, she said with tears in her eyes, "Why didn't some preacher show me that fifteen years ago!"  - John R. Rice

What should Christians do? Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, especially in the churches and religious work. We should "earnestly contend for the faith" (Jude 3, 4). We should not even receive false teachers into our house nor bid them Godspeed (II John 9-11). - John R. Rice

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