Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving time

I am deeply grateful to God for His blessings on America, for His blessings on my family, for His blessings on Sword of the Lord Foundation, and for helping us get out the Gospel everywhere. We can thank God that although there are a lot of things wrong in America, the blessing of God has been upon us as on no other nation. Let us be sure to give God the glory.
I am glad that our forefathers had it in the plan for a proclamation of thanksgiving, when people would be called to give thanksgiving to God, just as in the time of war and trouble Abraham Lincoln called for a day of fasting and prayer. So Thanksgiving is a national holiday, stemming from the time when God intended and when people intended there should be a nation under God with His blessing.
...So this Thanksgiving time, praise God for Christ that is everywhere told in the Bible and could not be doubted by an honest heart. - John R. Rice

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