Friday, September 14, 2018


That means salvation by faith. That means trusting Jesus, that is all.That means depending on the shed blood, risking Jesus Christ the Great Physician, the Great Lawyer, the Advocate. Risk Jesus Christ the Intercessor, the best Friend man ever had. Jesus Christ died for my sins. He is my Lamb by which God made peace. He is my High Priest, my way to Heaven. Risk Jesus Christ, my God, Jesus Christ. God's revelation of His love. Be saved by the blood! - John R. Rice

If God is honest, He must see that sin is paid for. But if God is honest, it wouldn't be right to pay twice. If a groceryman is honest, he will not require me to pay twice for some beans. And if God is honest, He doesn't require payment twice for sin. God is honest in having Jesus pay for sin and God is likewise honest in not requiring payment from me after He has already collected from Christ. The righteousness of God has paid for sin. Sin has been punished. Sin is condemned. Sin has been dealt with honestly, and then a just God can offer mercy to the sinner. God has made a way of salvation. - John R. Rice

I remember a sweet thing. Every Christian can win somebody. Every preacher is the biggest preacher in the world to somebody. To me it was an amazing thing the first time I had a man come to me and day, "I had as soon hear you preach as to hear Dr. George W. Truett. You are a real preacher. I like to hear you preach."
The first time I heard that, it went to my head. I thought, "Wow! I must get a bigger hat after this!" But every preacher has somebody tell him that. Every preacher is the biggest preacher somebody knows.
Every Christian is the best Christian somebody knows! There is someone you can win, and do it easier than anyone else. - John R. Rice

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me"
That is wonderful. I can do whatever I ought to do. God will help me. God is the God of circumstance. He is the God who takes care of everything.
One time the Syrian army came against Israel and they were defeated. Some of the people explained to the king: "Their God is a God of the hills, and we met them in the hills. Let us get them down here in the plains, and with our gods of the plains, we can lick them."
So God said, "I will show them I am the God down here in the valley as well as the hills." And the Jews whipped them that time, too.
Put this down: God is the God of all circumstances. Everything is all right when the Lord Jesus is in charge. - John R. Rice 

Somebody will listen to you who won't listen to me nor to anybody else. You had better be wise. God wants every Christian to win somebody. "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." Then, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Go ahead and fish; you can win somebody! You can't win everybody, and I can't, but you can win somebody that I can't! - John R. Rice 

I have found this: anything that is a legitimate desire, God has the answer for. My father said something one time that touched me as a boy: "Love begets love." If you love somebody, and if you pour out your soul in love, there is something about love that must have an answer. God never put a hunger in the heart unless He had something to satisfy that heart. - John R. Rice

Salvation is wholly of grace, altogether of grace. Not "if I carry my end, God will carry His end." We don't have any end. All we do about salvation is take it. - John R. Rice

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