Friday, December 12, 2014


I am glad the time is near for Christmas. I will talk to you today about the virgin birth of Christ, one of the great doctrines of the Bible. It is essential to the deity of Christ. And one who does not believe in the virgin birth is really doubting the actual deity of Christ and the inspiration of the Bible and is not a good Christian. - J.R.R.

But they, Mary and Joseph, had no room in the inn. Let's you and I make sure we have room - room for the Bible and time to study it and love it, time to pray, time to go to the house of God, time to serve God and win souls. They had no room in the inn.
Dear lost sinner, you know that is the way people go to Hell, just not having any room for Jesus. You go your way and have no room for Jesus, no time. Oh, you will someday, you say, but not now. No room for Jesus. - John R. Rice

Somebody says, "I don't think it is fair. Jesus died for only a particular few. He favored them. He wanted the rest to go to Hell." You are dead wrong. There is good news for everyone in the world. And those who don't take it - it is their fault, for they could. Oh, this is "the true Light, which lighteth every man that is come into the world" (John 1:9). This is that One where conscience has told you you are a sinner and need a Saviour and you are going to have to answer for it. This is the good news for everybody in the world. Jesus is born. - John Rice

Here is good news. "Unto you is born this day... a Saviour." Somebody said, "Well, if I could get the Irish Sweepstakes and make some money..."
No, no!
You say, "Well if I could get a state lottery and make money..."
No, no!
You say, "If I could make some great invention or get a patent and make some money..."
Listen, you don't need those things. What you need is forgiveness, peace, salvation, eternal life and a Home in Heaven. You need a Saviour! - John R.

In Springfield, Missouri, a young college girl came to me after I had preached on "Put Christ First in Everything," letting Him have the say, letting Him run the whole business. She said, I will do that for everything but one thing. I want to select the man I marry myself."
I said, "You will make a mistake if you do - if you don't let Jesus help you and bring that thing right out so you are in the will of God."
But she said, "I would like to have my own way about that."
She went away weeping, but later came back to say, "Yes, that is right. I am going to let Jesus have the first place in everything."
So why don't you claim that, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you"? And you can have every need supplied all the time. Why don't you have Christmas this year, and the day after Christmas when you are eating up leftovers from the turkey, and dressing and mincemeat pies, perhaps? It may you will still have the wrappings from all your gifts scattered over the house and the boxes and the ribbons and the papers. Oh, I would set out to have Jesus in my heart. I would set out to enjoy the Lord. I would set out to do the things a Christian ought to do all the year. I would put Christ first. - John R. Rice
Many people suppose that Jesus did set up His kingdom when He was here on earth, that is, the prophesied restoration of the kingdom of David. They ignore some Scriptures and explain away others in trying to prove their point. Such people say that the promises in the Old Testament given to Jerusalem, Zion and Israel, must not be taken literally. They make all these promises refer to "the church." B...ut that is a very great mistake. Mount Zion is the hill upon which Jerusalem is built. Zion, Jerusalem, and Israel never mean the church. The promised kingdom is not the church. Do not explain away the Bible, take it at face value. God's word says what it means and means what it says! And it plainly says that Christ will have a kingdom on this earth. That kingdom has not yet been set up. - John R. Rice
Something good is ahead. Something good is going to happen in 1979: God's daily care for His people; God saving those who come repenting and trusting in Him for salvation; God answering prayer for those who tell Him their needs. Yes, good things are ahead. I do not face the future with any sorrow or trouble of heart. Although I do not know the future, I know Him who holds and controls the future. - John R. Rice

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